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South Bend Remedv COmoanv Buildino St. Joseoh. Indiana <br />Property Name County and State <br />8. Statement of Significance <br />111kI!cable,National Register Criteria Areas of Significance <br />"x" in one or more boxes for the criteria qualifying the property for (Enter categories from instructions) <br />National Register listing) <br />Architecture <br />❑ A Property is associated with events that have made a <br />significant contribution to the broad patterns of our <br />history. <br />❑ B Property is associated with the lives of persons <br />significant in our past. <br />X C Property embodies the distinctive characteristics of a <br />type, period, or method of construction or represents <br />the work of a master, or possesses high artistic <br />values, or represents a significant and distinguishable <br />entity whose components lack individual distinction. <br />❑ D <br />Property has yielded, or is likely to yield information <br />important in prehistory or history. <br />Significant Dates <br />Criteria Considerations <br />1895 — date of Construction <br />(Mark 'x" in all the boxes that apply.) <br />1988 — date of relocation <br />Property is: <br />❑ A <br />owned by a religious institution or used for religious <br />purposes. <br />Significant Person <br />(Complete if Criterion B is marked above) <br />removed from its original location. <br />N/A <br />❑ C <br />a birthplace or a grave. <br />Cultural Affiliation <br />❑ D <br />a cemetery. <br />❑ E <br />a reconstructed building, object or structure. <br />❑ F <br />a commemorative property. <br />❑ G <br />less than 50 years of age or achieved significance <br />Architect/Builder <br />within the past 50 years. <br />Narrative Statement of Significance <br />(Explain the significance of the property on one or more continuation sheets.) <br />9. Major Bibliographical References <br />Bibliography <br />(Cite the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form on one or more continuation sheets.) <br />Previous documentation on file (NPS) Record # <br />❑ preliminary determination of individual listing (36 <br />.CFR 67).has.been requested. <br />reviously listed in the National Register <br />reviously determined eligible by the National Register <br />esignated a National Historic Landmark <br />❑ recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey <br />❑ recorded by Historic American Engineering <br />Primary location of additional data <br />❑ State Historic Preservation Office <br />❑ Other State agency <br />❑ Federal agency <br />❑ Local government <br />❑ University <br />X Other: Name of repository: Hist. Landmarks Foundation <br />