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P//� !!! <br />WEST NORTH SHORE LHD <br />The site of the West North Shore Local Historic Dis- <br />trict, along the St. Joseph River, figured prominently in <br />the city's history. In this area, Pierre Navarre estab- <br />lished a trading post in 1820, to be followed by Samuel <br />Leeper Jr.'s development of what became one of South <br />Bend's first suburbs. <br />�G <br />mil.. �''' • '� <br />RIVERSIDE DRIVE LHD <br />The Riverside Drive District <br />exhibits a century of archi- <br />tectural styles found <br />throughout South Bend. Developed between 1902 and <br />1918, many of the city's professionals and business peo- <br />I milled Riverside Drive home, including the well- <br />n architect, Enos Austin. <br />RIVER BEND LHD <br />The River Bend Local His- <br />toric District was platted by <br />prominent local real estate <br />moguls, Hammond and <br />Whitcomb, in 1903. By 1920 <br />the predominantly middle - <br />class neighborhood had de- <br />veloped into a collection of <br />buildings reflective of a spe- <br />cific era of South Bend's ar- <br />chitectural history, namely <br />from the turn of the century <br />to World War I. <br />1 pl''CgJi <br />1 ` R <br />PARK <br />►� ►�!� I WE <br />NORTH ST. JOSEPH LHD <br />The North St. Joseph Street Local His- <br />toric District was platted in 1903 by <br />developers, Hammond & Whitcomb. <br />The neighborhood developed quickly, <br />with a large number if the residents <br />engaged in the construction field. The <br />most prominent of which, was Chris- <br />tian Soens, owner of a local brickyard. <br />J f <br />TAYLOR'S FIELD LHD <br />The Taylor's Field District <br />' was originally a 90 acre <br />"oak barren" owned by <br />South Bend co- founder, <br />Colonel Lathrop Taylor. <br />[ His children platted the <br />area in 1893 and owned <br />some of the first homes <br />13MIsou ST built in the area. By 1905 <br />the neighborhood was <br />largely inhabited by the <br />South Bend's Industrial <br />Giants, such as, Lydia <br />Studebaker - Chillas and <br />Charles H. Murdock. <br />nE]n [] ❑ <br />[1000❑ <br />J <br />I <br />�d <br />EAST WAYNE STREET LHD <br />The East Wayne Street Local Historic District encom- <br />passes the central portion of Whitcomb and Keller's <br />original Sunnymede Development of 1925. Seventy <br />percent of the homes in the district were built between <br />1925 and 1930. Whitcomb and Keller modeled their <br />development after the neighborhood design principals <br />of the English Garden Cities movement, featuring the <br />use of curvilinear and tree -lined streets and emphasis <br />on open spaces and park areas. <br />EDGEWATER PLACE LHD <br />The Edgewater Place District <br />began its development around <br />1871. In 1919, Prominent local <br />developers, Whitcomb & Keller, <br />subdivided the area as one of <br />their first commercial enter- <br />prises. Both men also lived in <br />the neighborhood, as did many <br />other local merchants and busi- <br />nessmen. <br />LINCOLNWAY EAST LHD <br />The Lincolnway East District <br />developed along the road that <br />became part of one of the na- <br />tion's earliest coast -to -coast <br />highway systems. The turn-of- <br />'the- century neighborhood be- <br />gan in 1888 when Jacob Leer <br />subdivided his family's farm. <br />Jacob's son, Delmar, contin- <br />ued the development of the <br />area and built his own house at <br />1222 Lincolnway East. <br />s� <br />OI SO <br />6 1ANA AVE / <br />f - 1 n <br />