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NPS form 10.900-a <br />(8-86) <br />United States Department of the Interior <br />National Park Service <br />National Register of Historic Places <br />Continuation Sheet <br />Section number R Page 4 <br />OMB Approva/No. 1024-0018 <br />Wertz—Bestle Farm St. Joseoh County IN <br />raising such crops as wheat. corn. and oats. and maintaining a <br />herd of dairy cows and a numbers of pias and chickens. the latter <br />mainly for home use. <br />After Godfrey Bestle's death. his son Charles purchased the other <br />heirs' shares of the property and lived in the house. The farm <br />remained in the Bestle family until about 1970. when it was <br />purchased by a neighboring landowner. Agatha Wilhelm. the mother <br />of the present owner. Elizabeth Lauber. The house was rented out <br />until 1982, when Ms. Lauber purchased the -property. <br />While the house has been altered somewhat. with the enclosure of <br />the southeast porch and the new window on. the west. it remains <br />reasonably intact. The architectural significance of the <br />property. however, lies in the beautifully restored Schweitzer - <br />barn that retains its original interior of roucrh—hewn joists and <br />wooden stalls and stanchions in the lower level. Here the <br />animals were sheltered and various work stations for different <br />tasks are divided off. The upper level. reached by way of an <br />earthen bank and cantilevered on the south. was used.for storing <br />hay. <br />While the other outbuildings that no doubt once completed the <br />farmstead have not survived—the Wertz—Bestle Farm nonetheless <br />retains much of the character of its oriains in the 1870s. It <br />remains a fine example of a late nineteenth century family <br />farmstead. The house has not been substantially altered and <br />retains most of its original fabric, but the Schweitzer barn is <br />an especially fine example of the Midwestern variation of this <br />type and is remarkably intact. The property appears to meet both <br />Criteria'A and C (significance in aariculture and architecture. <br />respectively) and thus is eligible for the National Register of <br />Historic Places. <br />