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OMS Approval No. 1024-00I8 <br />NPS Form 10-900-a <br />(8-W) <br />United States Department of the Interior <br />National Park Service <br />National Register of Historic Places <br />Continuation Sheet <br />Section number 7 Page <br />NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION <br />The remaining farmstead plus 36.6 cultivated acres of the <br />historic Wertz-Bestle Farm lie on the west side of Portage Road <br />northwest of South Bend near the Michigan state line. The <br />westward extension of Auten.Road forms the south boundary of the <br />property. Across P-ortaae' Road from the property lies ' <br />considerable suburban development. which has been encroaching <br />upon this agricultural area for several years. There are some <br />other farms still remaining in the vicinity, and the,,land in <br />aeneral is a mix of rolling fields typical of a.lacial moraine and <br />patches of*second-growth forest. <br />The farmstead.'whicb sets well back from Portaae Road. consists. <br />of 11.4 acres surrounded on three sides by cropland. The <br />entrance to the-drive'leadincr to the house and barn is marked at <br />Portage Road by brick pillars that likely date to the <br />construction of I the house.(photo 1). Maple trees line the drive <br />along the, south: a stand of large walnut trees lies southeast of <br />the barn. The expansive yard contains many medium and some large <br />deciduous trees, giving the property a park -like quality (see <br />ohotos'1.2). South of the house is a young woods: the area may <br />have contained other outbuildings in the past; A shed --long <br />gone --once stood in this area. . west and a little north of the <br />barn. <br />The brick house (photo 3). possibly dating to 1872, is a two- <br />story, T -gabled building with a one -and -a -half story kitchen wing <br />on the west. It rests on a foundation of shaped fieldstone. The <br />wide overhang suggests the possibility that originally there may <br />have been brackets beneath the eaves. in keeping with the <br />Italianate influence prevalent <br />valent in the area at the time. The <br />house does possess the typical secrmental-arched windows.,most of <br />which survive intact. with one -over -one double hung sashes. Some <br />of the upper -story window openings contain a pair of very narrow <br />double hung sashes. The original louvered wooden shutters <br />survive. but are in storage at present. <br />The kitchen wing on the west (see photo 4) has been altered <br />somewhat. particularly with the enlarged window opening on the <br />upper level. What presumably began as a porch on the northwest <br />was enclosed early on. The porches on the southwest and. <br />southeast (see photo 3), probably added in the 1890s but possibly <br />earlier. were originally identical and flush with the south wall <br />of the house. The oresent owner extended them outward,,a few feet <br />and enclosed the one on the southeast to create a sunroom. The <br />original front entrance door remains, now inside. <br />