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The building meets all of the criteria: <br />1) Its embodiment of elements or architectural design, detail, material or <br />craftsmanship which represents an architectural characteristic or innovation; <br />2) Its suitability for preservation; <br />3) Its identification with the life of a person or persons of historical significance. <br />The site and structures fulfills criteria #I as an example of an early 1900's Tudor Revival <br />style private residence. Its main features are brick walls with soldier stringcourse, soldier <br />course lintels and four over one, double -hung, wood windows. <br />The site and structures fulfills criteria #2 as a good example of a 1920's workman's <br />Tudor Revival style house with little change to its original fabric. <br />The site and structures fulfills criteria #3 by its association with some of South Bend's <br />German immigrant craftsmen, namely, Otto & Adam Klaer and Fred Glaser. <br />k, <br />