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MSKIUUV i C Ii .-N1 nW <br />The Local Landmarks guidelines follow the rehabilitation model. <br />The owner is proposing to install a pizza sign between the second and third floor of the <br />north fagade. The applicant has applied to erect a 2'x4' red, green and white sign with <br />"pizza" written in black letters. However, the drawings submitted show a 3'x6' sign. <br />When asked about this inconsistency Mr. McHugh stated that he would speak to the sign <br />contractor and get back with the Commission Staff. The staff has since tried to contact <br />both Mr. McHugh and the sign contractor with no luck. As a result the staff has to go by <br />what is on the actual application, i.e., a 2'x 4' sign. Furthermore the applicant has also <br />failed to include information pertaining to how the sign will be lit, how it will be attached <br />to the building and powered and how deep the sign is. <br />Staff recommendations must be made in accordance with the guidelines set for each <br />property and to apply them to all applications. Because of this the staff does not require <br />any more specifications on the sign do to the fact that another sign would violate Local <br />Landmark Guidelines, which clearly states that a business in a landmarked building is <br />only allowed one suitable sign. The business in question already has a sign in the form of <br />an awning, thus the staff has to recommend denial of the application. <br />