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1 COMMITTEE MEETING <br />2 MINUTES <br />3 FOR FEBRUARY <br />4 <br />5 Committee Meeting County -City Building <br />6 7:30 p.m. 71h Floor Conference Room <br />7 Monday, February 28, 2000 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 I. Call to Order <br />11 Catherine Hostetler, vice president of the Commission, brought the meeting to order at <br />12 7:30 p.m. <br />13 <br />14 II. Roll Call <br />15 Commission members present were: Catherine Hostetler, Richard Helmus and Gerald <br />16 Ujdak. <br />17 Commission staff present were: Ed Talley, Director, Rhonda Saunders, Assistant Director <br />18 and Cheryl Green, Council. <br />19 Also attending the meeting were: Timothy Lykowski, Skip McCray, Bob Stachowiak and <br />20 Bill Lamie. <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 III. Public Hearing <br />24 A. Certificate of Appropriateness Applications <br />25 1. 1999-0507-4 —1342 E. Wayne North, front entry. <br />26 Mr. Talley presented the staff report and circulated photographs. He also noted that the <br />27 architect, Bill Lamie, was present. Mr. Talley noted that the staff was recommending <br />28 approval of the front entry with fluted columns to match the existing fluted pilasters. Mr. <br />29 Lamie stated that the fluted pilasters would remain in place and that the columns are <br />30 rounded to match the columns located in the rear entry. The staff altered its <br />31 recommendation to approve the proposed rounded columns as long as the existing fluted <br />32 pilasters remain in place. Mr. Ujdak asked if the original entry had a portico. Mr. Lamie <br />33 stated that the original entry did not have a portico. Mr. Lamie described how the <br />34 pilasters would have to cut at the bottom to give enough room for the new stoop. Mrs. <br />35 Hostetler stated that the application will be presented to the general commission for a <br />36 vote with the stipulation that the owner save as much of the original trim as possible. Mr. <br />37 Lamie stated that every effort would be made to retain the siding and trim. He further <br />38 noted that if the roof can be raised two inches the original trim could remain in place to <br />39 give some detail to the under belly of the portico. There was some discussion over a <br />40 potential light located in the new roof. Mr. Ujdak asked if the roof would have a slope to <br />41 it for draining. Mr. Lamie noted that the roof would have a drain that will exit through <br />42 one of the columns. Mr. Ujdak moved to recommend approval of the application as <br />43 suggested by the staff. Mr. Helmus seconded the motion. A phone vote to approve the <br />44 motion was taken on February 29, 2000, as follows: John Oxian — yes and Jerry Weiner — <br />45 yes. The motion passed unanimously. <br />46 <br />