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RECOMMENDATION <br />The owners are proposing to replace existing two track driveway with a solid concrete <br />pad, replacement of existing concrete walk and stairs with new concrete walk and stairs, <br />addition of a new walkway from end of existing walk to rear parking lot, replacement of <br />existing, deteriorated, driveway curbs with new concrete curbs, and expansion of rear parking <br />area. The staff finds the proposed replacement of the front walk, stairs and curbs to be in-kind <br />replacements and thus recommends approval. The staff also finds the proposed addition of a <br />new walk and solid concrete driveway to be acceptable and with in the boundaries of the district <br />guidelines. The owner has submitted two possible expansion plans for the rear parking lot <br />which would be paved with gravel. The staff finds that neither proposal will harm any major <br />landscaping or out buildings and will not be visible from the street. The staff recommends <br />approval of both plan A and plan B of the rear parking expansion proposal. <br />3 <br />