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3. Standards & Maintenance <br />None. <br />E. Staff Reports <br />1. CofA Staff Approvals <br />None. <br />2. Miscellaneous Activities and Grants <br />Mr. Talley asked if the Commission Architect, Mrs. Sporleder, should be involved in saving the <br />interior stairs of the North Pump Station. He went on to state that one of the main historical <br />features of the Pump Station is its interior which portions of date back to 1885. Mr. Talley <br />reported that the stairways were to be cut out of the building and replaced to accommodate a <br />second floor. He noted that when he asked why the existing stairs could not be re -adapted and <br />reused, the only answer he has received is from the projects architects stating that the existing <br />stairs do not meet code and that to adapt them would cost a large amount of money in the <br />redrawing of the plans because the second floor would have to be raised or lowered a couple of <br />inches. Mr. Talley noted that he could use Mrs. Sporleder's expertise in saving the staircases. <br />There was some discussion over the difficulty Mr. Talley has had with the some of the parties <br />involved in the Pump Station project and the project itself. Mr. Talley noted that he seems to be <br />getting the run around from the contractor, the architect and the engineers. Mr. Powell noted <br />that the difficulty that Mr. Talley is having will not continue. Mrs. Sporleder asked if the <br />projects plans were computer drawn or hand drawn. Mr. Powell stated that they should be <br />mechanical and easily changed. There was some discussion over the second floor being a <br />service floor made of expanded fiber glass. There was some discussion over the fiber glass <br />floor. Mr. Powell described the second floor as an operating floor for the tanks. <br />There was some discussion over why the stairs did not meet todays code. Mr. Talley stated that <br />he was told the stairs risers were a 1/2 inch too short by todays standards. He further noted that <br />he had contacted the State Architect who informed him of rule eight which states that since it is <br />a service area and not an open public space the stairs may be reused. Mr. Talley reported that <br />he sent this information to Don Fozo and the project architect and has had no response other <br />then that it will cost a lot of money. Mr. Powell stated that if the project does not settle down a <br />meeting will be called with Water Works and the Engineers to better coordinate the line of <br />communications. Mr. Talley noted that he was not trying to make things difficult. Mrs. <br />Sporleder noted that there would be extra cost to the architects, however, the cost of reusing the <br />stairs and redrawing the plans would be cheaper then tearing them out and constructing new <br />stairs. Mr. Sporleder noted that the Historical importance of the building should be the main <br />driving force behind the project. Mr. Powell stated that the discussion over extra cost was <br />irrelevant compared to the astronomical cost of building a new structure. <br />C 4 <br />