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RECOMMENDATION <br />The building meets the criteria in at least three areas: <br />1.) Its embodiment of elements of architectural design, detial, materials, or craftsmanship <br />which represents an architectural characteristics or innovation. <br />2.) Its suitability for preservation. <br />3.) Its identification with the life of a person of historical significance. <br />The building fulfills criteria #1 as an excellent example of a 1920s Classical style <br />apartment complex of the finest quality and craftsmanship. The building is rated a <br />significant twelve in the Indiana Historic Sites and Structures Inventory. <br />The building fulfills criteria #2 by the integrity of its original construction with virtually no <br />changes to the facade in over 70 years. The building is impressive in its Classical styling, <br />its progressive construction and its shear size. <br />The building fulfills criteria #3 by its association with William O. Davies, a prominent <br />South Bend businessman and active community leader. Mr. Davies was founder of <br />Davies Laundry and Dry Cleaning, Davies Real Estate Company, the Mar -Main Arms <br />Realty Company and was active in the First Presbyterian Church, the YMCA as well as <br />various other community organizations and boards. <br />Staff finds that the building meets the criteria for designation as a.Local Landmark and <br />recommends that the Commission send such a recommendation to the Common Council. <br />rls <br />1/8/99 <br />T <br />