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By 1928 the new facility catered to 150,000 customers a year. To <br />accommodate such a large number of clients the YWCA refined its program to <br />include eight distinctive groups; business and industrial, health education, <br />Girl Reserves, room registry, cafeteria, travelers aid, camp and Business <br />Women's Bible class departments. The YWCA has been an active part in <br />South Bend's social life for nearly a hundred years and continues to be a vital <br />resource for area women. <br />ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION <br />This is a four story Classic Revival Style housing facility. It has an irregular plan, <br />stone foundation and one brick chimney located on the north wing. The walls <br />are made of red bond brick with stone string courses along first story and below <br />the third and fourth stories. It also boasts a symmetric fagade and arched stone <br />panels around the first elevation. The building has a flat roof with stone capped <br />parapets inlaid with stone panels to hide roof mechanics. In addition it contains <br />stone cornice at roof line and a wide plain stone freize. There is a trio of three <br />front doors in the central fagade with single paned French doors on the right and <br />left, all of which have angular pediments, stone surrounds and stone pilasters. <br />The building also boasts fourth story porches under the roofline, both of which <br />have open arches, low semi circular iron railings, stone keystones and radiating <br />brick surrounds. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the Historic Preservation Commission's Local Landmark Criteria's <br />adopted by the Common Council, the building at 802 N. Lafayette has been <br />recommended to the Common Council for designation as a Local Landmark by <br />Historic Preservation Commission. <br />The building meets the criteria in at least four areas: <br />1.) Its character, interest, or value as part of the development, heritage, or <br />culture of the City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, the State of Indiana, or the <br />United States of America. <br />2.) Its,embodiment of elements of architectural design, detail, materials, or <br />craftsmanship which represents an architectural characteristic or innovation. <br />3.) Its suitability for preservation. <br />4.) Its identification with the life of a person of historical significance. <br />2 <br />