<br />.Y,
<br />hist ric preservation community to spearhead the
<br />Tru :'s reauthorization efforts. If you are interested in
<br />part lipating, use any of the above forms of
<br />com nunicatrons to let us know. We welcome all
<br />intd :sted persons, especially if you are associated with a
<br />lope y sponsored enhancements project, or are
<br />assn fated with a state historic preservation office deeply
<br />inv( ved in Your state's enhancement program, or are a
<br />c167 n who serves on a state enhancements advisory
<br />cour :it. We n6ed to know about successful
<br />tran portation enhancements projects in your
<br />c jri nunitie6 and bout the willingness of these ) r
<br />iunities t6 bear witness to the value of the project
<br />and is contributions. '
<br />A -n x publication entitled Buildine the Past, Traveling
<br />to ti ! Future: A Preservationist's Guide to the ISTEA
<br />Tra,ortation Enhancement Provision is now available
<br />free )facharge. Prepared by the National Trust and the
<br />Fed. -al Highway Administration, this booklet provides
<br />a ge eral understanding of the way the Transportation
<br />Emit ncement provision with the Intermodal Surface
<br />Tra, sportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) works at both
<br />Fed, -al and State levels. Written with a special focus on
<br />the reservation community, this booklet defines what,
<br />tran portation enhancements are and outlines the
<br />app) .ration process for funding enhancement projects.
<br />In a dition, several outstanding examples of
<br />Tra, ;portation Enhancement -funded historic
<br />pre,; rvation projects are highlighted to show the
<br />pots itial of these,projects to help revitalize a
<br />nein borhood, rebuild a community, and stimulate
<br />ecor 3mic growth. Copies of the Guide can be ordered
<br />from the National Trust's Department of Public Policy
<br />at 2( !-073-4255: ;
<br />Ele ten Most Endangered Historic
<br />Pla• ;es List Released
<br />Eac) year, the National Trust names "America's Eleven
<br />Mo; End4ngered Historic Places", choosing sites that
<br />illus rate highly significant symbols of our American
<br />peri ige threatened by neglect, deterioration, lack of
<br />mai, tenance, insufficient funds, inappropriate
<br />dev, opment or insensitive public policy.
<br />Thr 1996 Eleven Most List contains a diverse mix of
<br />hist ric sites that are representative of America's
<br />indt trial heritage, the plantation economy of the 18th
<br />cent pry, religious freedom, public education, historic
<br />stru tures in national parks and national historic
<br />disti cts, historic hotels and theaters, railroad heritage,
<br />)^fist, ric neighborhoods and communities, and the home
<br />of a American president. This year the National Trust
<br />has' 3dressed the' arson that has affected over 35
<br />Afri an -American community churches in the South.
<br />Giv. i the scope of the threat to these communities'
<br />ch ti, 7hes and the sense of place they offer, it was decided
<br />to h .:ak with tradition and name the Black Churches of
<br />the South as a 12th site to the 1996 Eleven Most
<br />Endangered List. The sites selected are as follows:
<br />Kriight Foundry, Sutter Creek,•Calif.
<br />Adobe Churches of New Mexico
<br />Sotterley Plantation, Hollywood, Md.
<br />Historic Structures of Glacier National Park, Mont.
<br />Uptown Theater, Chicago, Ill.
<br />Petoskey, Mich.
<br />Harry S. Truman Historic District, Independence,
<br />Mo.
<br />Central High School, Little Rock, Ark.
<br />East Elpd Historic District, Newburgh, N.Y.
<br />Wenthworth by the Sea Hotel, New Castle, N.H.
<br />East Broad Top Railroad, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
<br />Black Churches of the South
<br />In addition to naming the Black Churches of the South
<br />to the Eleven Most list, the National Trust is taking
<br />steps to assisting in the rebuilding of the Historic
<br />churches that have been ravaged by the recent arson
<br />fires, including:
<br />► making loan funds available to historic churches
<br />that have been destroyed or damaged;
<br />► participating in a fundraising campaign
<br />coordinated by the National Council of
<br />Churches;
<br />I
<br />► providing technical assistance to congregations
<br />(through our Southern Regional Office in
<br />Charleston, South Carolina and Southwest Field
<br />Office, in Fort Worth, Texas.
<br />The first widespread threat posed by arson calls for a
<br />united response by Americans of all faiths and races to
<br />join in this critical effort to stop these fires and rebuild
<br />these cfiurches. The National Trust encourages all
<br />preservationists to join in this very public effort to
<br />rebuild the historic Black Churches of the South.
<br />Monetary contributions to the rebuilding effort may be
<br />sent to the Black Church Fund, National Trust for
<br />Historic Preservation, 1785 Massachusetts Avenue,
<br />N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.
<br />House Approves Level Funding for
<br />HPF in FY97
<br />The House approved the FY97 Interior Appropriations
<br />Bill (H.R. 3662) on June 20th by a vote of 242-174,
<br />affirming the funding levels provided by the
<br />Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies and the
<br />full Committee on Appropriations for historic
<br />preservation.
<br />Earlier this month, the House Subcommittee on Interior
<br />& Related Agencies and the full Committee on'
<br />Appropriations provided the same levels of funding.
<br />I
<br />