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Staff Report: <br />Proposed Local Historic Landmark Desienation <br />for James Madison School <br />The staff has been asked to assess James Madison School, 804 North <br />Lafayette for possible Local Historic Landmark designation. At the November <br />16, 1992 monthly meeting, the HPC will consider whether to recommend the <br />structure for such designation to the South Bend Common Council. The <br />property is owned by the South Bend Community School Corporation and is <br />located just south of Leeper Park and one block west of Michigan Street. <br />The staff has evaluated the property according to HPC Local Landmark <br />criteria, has researched the history of the structure and property, and has <br />visited the site in order to assess its architectural significance. <br />Recommendation <br />It is the staff's opinion that this structure meets the necessary criteria <br />for Local Historic Landmark status; it is recommended that the HPC send a <br />favorable recommendation to the South Bend Common Council for historic <br />designation of this property by ordinance. <br />HPC criteria for recommendation requires that a property be rated as a S/11 <br />(Significant) or higher on the Indiana Sites and Structure Inventory (City <br />Survey) and be evaluated with respect to: <br />1. its "character, interest, or value as part of [local, state, or <br />national] development, heritage or culture"; <br />2. its "embodiment of elements of architectural design, detail, materials, <br />or craftsmanship which represent an architectural characteristic or <br />innovation"; <br />3. its "educational value"; <br />4. its "suitability for preservation"; <br />5. its location as a site of a significant historical event; and/or <br />6. its identification with the life of a person or persons of historical <br />significance.[l] <br />Discussion <br />James Madison School is both historically and architecturally significant. <br />It is rated as an Significant (S/11) on the City Survey. It is also a <br />contributing structure within the Chapin Park National Register Historic <br />District. The school's historical role as a place of education is its most <br />obvious historical/ developmental characteristic. It is the third school <br />structure built to accommodate the education of children in this section of <br />the city. The community constructed many fine educational structures during <br />the 1920s to accommodate growing numbers of students and to provide the <br />most modern school facilities possible. Madison joined the ranks of South <br />Bend's exceptional educational facilities in 1929. <br />=he school is a fine example of the city's expansion and modernization of <br />educational facilities in the early years of the twentieth century, a <br />process that was also taking place throughout the country in this period. <br />Madison School thus remains as an important example of the social and <br />1 <br />