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r <br />34 THE FARMER'S EXCHANGE Friday, Dec. 4, 1992 <br />REGISTERED COTSWOLD ram, <br />Cotswold cross ewe lambs. ALSO <br />livestock hauler, fits in pickup bed. <br />Ph. 616/674-8885 evenings. <br />FOR SALE -2nd and 3rd cutting <br />alfalfa, heavy bales, no rain. Ph. <br />219/858-9887. (124) <br />FOR SALE -Large quantity square <br />bales of mixed hay. Call <br />219/498-6380. (12-25) <br />FOR SALE -Clean wheat straw, <br />230 -bale loads. Delivered, <br />6125/ton. Ph. 317/728-2309. <br />FOR SALE -Round and square <br />bales, alfalfa and grass hay. <br />Delivered. Ph. 219/825-5094. <br />FOR SALE -Timothy hay and <br />wheat straw. Can deliver any size <br />load. Call 219/894.4795 or <br />219/593-2768. (12-11) <br />FOR SALE -Good quality alfalfa <br />hay, 3rd cutting, 900-1000 Ib. <br />bales. Never been wet and stored <br />inside. Call 1-800/243-8859 <br />(10-4), evenings call 616/646- <br />9238. (12-4) <br />FOR SALE -1st and 2nd cutting <br />alfalfa, big round bales, 635 each. <br />Ph. 616/646-9422 or 646-9230. <br />FOR SALE -Quality wood shav- <br />ings, 45-50 Ib, bales wrapped in <br />paper -pine and spruce, no dust. <br />Delivery available. 1 mile east of <br />Goshen on SR 4 to CR 127, north <br />Y. mile. DALE SCHROCK, call <br />219/534-1820. (0) <br />• FOR SALE <br />HAY & STRAW <br />Quality delivered anywhere. <br />Eberly'S, Ligonier, IN <br />219/894-4795 or <br />2191593-2768 <br />1962-1992 - 30 Years <br />"Serving You is a Pleasure/" <br />BALED SHAVINGS, 62.50/bale; <br />100 or more, 62.25. Merle F. <br />Miller, 11734 CR 34, Goshen 1% <br />mile east of SR 13 on 34). Itf) <br />ALFALFA HAY, direct from Idaho. <br />Ask for Jerry, 8001833-4936. Itf) <br />PELLET CORN COBS, excellent for <br />animal bedding. Bag or bulk. <br />Delivery available. Middlebury <br />Feed Service. 2191825-9704 or <br />825-9157. (11) <br />FOR SALE -Baled wood shavings. <br />Nice pine quality, Discount for <br />purchase of 10 bales or more. <br />M & M WOOD SHAVINGS <br />Ph. 219/831-2484 <br />SHREDDED NEWSPAPER for bed- <br />ding. Available in bulk or 60 Ib. <br />bales. Can deliver. Ph. 219/862- <br />2651. (0) <br />FOR SALE -Kiln dried wood shav- <br />ings. Bulk or bagged. Delivered in <br />semi -trailer loads or picked up in <br />less amounts. Ferguson Forms <br />Inc., Leesburg, Ind., 219/453- <br />4666 or 800/326-4919. uf) <br />[Call <br />TERN ALFALFA <br />fied Dairy Quality <br />mall or Large <br />Square Bales <br />(502) 349-6325 <br />"NEW" <br />FEEDER PIG <br />MARKETING <br />More Net $ <br />NO COMMISSION <br />BENTON FEEDS <br />(219) 642-3878 <br />South of Goshen on US 33 <br />• 60" Ceiling Fans <br />• 12" thru 36" Portable <br />Circulator Fans <br />• 9" to 48" Stationary <br />or Side Wall Fens <br />FOR SALE -11,000 gal. steel <br />tank. Has been used for liquid <br />nitrogen. Good Condition. Howe, <br />Ind., 219/367-2677. (1-81 <br />LIQUID & DRY FERTILIZER, Seed <br />& Chemicals at wholesale prices. <br />Fertilizer delivered by semi load or <br />priced FOB at warehouses in In- <br />diana, Michigan and Ohio. <br />PARR FARM SUPPLY <br />Orland, IN 2191829-6355 <br />LaGrange, IN 2191463-7148 <br />(tf) <br />POLY TANKS. 15 to 5600 gal. <br />tanks, pumps, hose and fittings in <br />stock. CHEMICAL TANK DISTRI- <br />BUTING, 219/656-8905. Itf) <br />FOR SALE -Used & New Grain <br />Dryers. ALSO New & Used <br />Gooseneck Grain Trailers. <br />CORNWELL EQUIP., Arthur, Ill. <br />Ph. 217/543-2631 or 543-3229. <br />(1-22) <br />CLAYTON -LAMBERT silo, 32' <br />high, 15%' across. Ph. <br />219/633-4145. (12-11) <br />GRAIN BIN FLOOR, new, with <br />supports, 18', 6880; 21', 61150; <br />24', 61525. Ph. 217/379-3586. <br />(12-18) <br />For Sale -SUPERB' AUTOMATIC <br />GRAIN DRYER, AS -300, single <br />phase, LP. Dryer has only dried <br />16,000 bu. Excellent condition. <br />Ph. 219/893-7437. 112-251 <br />(2) USED 24,000 BU. CONE bot- <br />tom grain bins. All disassembled. <br />Phone Marshall Co-op, Rochester, <br />Ind., 219/223-2156. (12-11) <br />PORTABLE PTO Dri-AIL dryer. Ph. <br />219/848-6259. 112-41 <br />FOR SALE -115 -ton feed bin, like <br />new, 6350; 375 gal. LP tank, <br />6325; Banco L14 staple gun, <br />6170. Arlen Stutzman, 30048% <br />CR 52, Nappanee, IN 46550. <br />(12-4) <br />FOR SALE -AO Smith Hercules <br />unloader for 20' silo. Ph. <br />219/546-4526 evenings. 412-11) <br />2 BEHLEN GRAIN BINS, 12,000 <br />bu. each w/vertical unload auger. <br />ALSO antique gas pump, Gulf <br />bulb, good cond., works. Ph. <br />219/463-2545. 112-41 <br />GRAIN BINS, good cond., 2800 <br />leu., 6775; 4000 bu., 61075. <br />ALSO 1600 bu. Bahian wire ear <br />corn cribs, heavy duty, 6675. <br />Other sizes. All free delivery) Ph. <br />217/379-3976. (12-4) <br />500 BU. BEHLEN batch dryer, <br />kept inside, 62500. Larry Staffer. <br />The Combine Man, 800/248- <br />2151. Itfl <br />• Farrowing Crate Sow Fee <br />'Dealing in Used Henresteres' <br />'Rebuilt Goliath & Hercules <br />Unloaders <br />'New aluminum access door, <br />6130 <br />'Duality replacement parts <br />'Rexnord chains Goliath, 20'. <br />6725 <br />IN BUSINESS 17 YEARS <br />Call Us For Your <br />Harvestore" Needs <br />For Great Savings Ca// <br />12161 852-4088 <br />BETTER BILT <br />STORAGE, INC. <br />Route 2. Box 262 <br />Sugarcreek, Ohio 44681 <br />• L.ow Cost Feed Bin Flow <br />Control Device <br />Reduces Mold Growth <br />Stops Separation <br />Stop Bridging <br />ders <br />• Sidewall Curtains & Supplies HEATERS <br />KENT ZIMMERMAN Ph. 1219) 862-2229 <br />NEW LUCKNOW snow blower, <br />twin auger, 84' wide w/hyd. <br />power chute. Used one time. Pric- <br />ed to sell Ph. 2191269-6262; <br />evenings, 219/353-7370. (12-11) <br />ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED, like <br />new mattress, used 1 year. 61300 <br />or best offer. Call 219/825-2925. <br />FOR SALE -20 -ton hydraulic <br />press, 6100. Ph. 219/269-6262; <br />evenings, 219/353-7370.112-11) <br />FOR SALE -Large copper kettle. <br />Ideal for cooking apple butter. Ph. <br />219/831-2282 after 3 p.m. 0 2-41 <br />FOR SALE -(2) 1000 overhead <br />aluminum, all glass doors. <br />Reasonable. Ph. 219/533-5801. <br />(12-4) <br />LINCOLN 225 amp portable <br />welder, on trailer w/cables and <br />toolbox. 62100. Call 219/232- <br />1796. 112-4) <br />COAL FOR SALE. Hand-picked <br />lump. Low sulfur. 668/ton. 4- or <br />5 -ton limit. Guaranteed on <br />delivery. Call 614/286-5338. Itf) <br />FOR SALE -Chest -type Westing- <br />house deep freezer, 51 " long, 28' <br />wide, 29" deep, 6275. Ph. <br />219/534-4210 after 5 p.m. or <br />leave message. (ttI <br />FOR SALE -Large, plastic letters <br />and numbers for outdoor use, l' <br />and 2', black and white and 8 col- <br />ors. Cell or write for free brochure. <br />PLASTECH, P.O. Box 176, At- <br />wood, IN 46502, phone <br />800/423-6859. (1-29) <br />WINDMILLS: New -Reconditioned. <br />Towers -Parts -Pumps -Brass <br />cylinders -Leathers -Fiberglass <br />sucker rods. We repair most any <br />brand windmill and travel most <br />any place. Aermotor-Monitor- <br />Dempster-Flint & Walling. <br />Sam's Windmill Service <br />11995W - 250N <br />Middlebury, IN 46540 <br />Itfl <br />NEWSPRINT ROLL ENDS. Can be <br />used for table paper, drawing, <br />paint covering or whatever. 34" <br />wide, 25011b. The Farmer's Ex- <br />change, New Paris, Ind., <br />219/831-2138. (NI <br />"BUYING" -Old fountain pens, <br />old perfume bottles, old wooden <br />fishing poles, small old single han- <br />dle reels. Old compact's, old hat <br />pins, old beaded purses. Old <br />jewelry, bracelets, cameos. rings, <br />broches. Old men's wristwatches. <br />Beautiful old electric lamps, glass <br />shades or leaded shades. Hand - <br />painted vases, bowls, pitchers. <br />Old oriental rugs. PLUS many <br />other items always. Free ap- <br />praisals by phone -or- at shop. <br />BILL'S REAL ANTIQUES <br />7566 Red Arrow PO Box 64 <br />Stevensville, MI 49127 <br />Ph. 616/465-3246 <br />Remember Jesusl <br />Itil <br />HOME-GROWN FREEZER BEEF, <br />corn fed. lean and delicious, <br />51.35/Ib, plus processing. Mary <br />Molle. 2191761 -3204. 11 2-25) <br />WANTED -Standing timber. <br />suitable for a portable sawmill <br />NORTHERN WOOD PRODUCTS <br />CO. Ph. 219/586-7925. (rl) <br />TIMBER WANTED. Also timberland <br />& logs. We are state licensed, in- <br />sured, professional loggers. PIKE <br />LUMBER CO., Akron, Indiana, <br />1-800/3564554. (Since 1904). <br />Iff) <br />TIMBER and timberland. Westville <br />Logging At Timber Management. <br />Ph. 219/362-7497. (ff) <br />CREAM OF WHEAT color <br />magazine ads from 1900s -1930s, <br />featuring Rastus. State price and <br />description. Fran Ball, PO Box <br />168, Wheeler, IN 46393. (12-4) <br />WANTED <br />STANDING TIMBER <br />We are buyers of veneer, high <br />quality, and low grade new timber. <br />Top cash prices paid. <br />Indiana Wood Products Inc. <br />Ph. 219/825-2129. <br />TIMBER WANTED <br />Walnut and White Oak. <br />Will buy one tree or more. ALSO <br />will buy timberland. Write: P.O. <br />Box 312, Syracuse, IN 46567, or <br />call 219/856-2895. (1-29) <br />STANDING TIMBER WANTED. <br />Selective harvesting, highly skill- <br />ed crews and careful logging pro- <br />cedures. Goal" Hardwood Pro- <br />ducts Inc., R. 2 Box 112, North <br />Manchester, IN 46962. Phone <br />219/982-2043 or Don Shull <br />219/244-5514. Itf) <br />WANTED -Old Amish quilts, old <br />furniture, Indian stones and anti- <br />ques. Paul Hearer, Box 498, Ship- <br />shewana, Ind. 46565. Itf) <br />TIMBER AND TIMBER LAND <br />WANTED. All species, veneer <br />white oak, cherry, maple and <br />walnut included. Highest cash <br />prices paid. <br />MOORE LOGGING INC. <br />Ph. 219/894-3486 <br />Ligonier, Ind. <br />(tf) <br />STANDING TIMBER <br />Top Prices for <br />Standing Timber and Cut Logs <br />Shipshewana Hardwoods <br />R. 1, Box 101 <br />Shipshewana. IN 46565 <br />Ph. 219/768-4021 <br />(Ask for Ken Herman or <br />Eric Graider) <br />Itll <br />SEMI DRIVER with farm <br />background for local -regional <br />deliveries and shop work. Must <br />have CDL with tanker endorse- <br />ment and mechanical skills. Rep- <br />ly to: Ferguson Forms Inc., P.O. <br />Box 368, Leesburg, IN 46538. Ph. <br />219/453-4666. (12-11) <br />635,o00NEAR PART-TIME. Ag <br />related field. For free information, <br />please call 208/733-2323, or <br />write A. S.A. A., Box 186, Twin <br />Falls, ID 83303. 112-25) <br />Portable <br />Sawmill <br />4219.825.5807 <br />Lumber Dry Kiln <br />'I�►d1ER4.4 <br />GRAVEL <br />PHONE 658-4063 <br />Stand By <br />Alternators <br />New & Used PTO <br />Portable & Automatic <br />Winpower & Katolight <br />Sales - Service <br />1-800-686-2390 <br />219-982-2390 <br />219- <br />396-2260 Eve. <br />ATTENTION I,�ej <br />LANDOWNERS! ! <br />Genetically Superior Black Walnut Trees, Offer tremendous poten- <br />tial for retirement or enhancing the value of your property. <br />Meeting December 10, 7:30 P.M. at Lawmasters Restaurant, U.S. <br />30, Pierceton IN. <br />Speaker from Purdue who has taken yeas to develop trees with <br />superior growth and form. <br />Tour Purdue's Martell Forest December 5th, or for printed infor- <br />mation call Rep. D. Baumgartner at (2191 457-8561. <br />CONSULTING Services for finan- <br />cial and real estate issues in <br />agriculture. Cell Agrl-11udrteas Ser- <br />vices Inc., 219/567.9328. (tf) <br />DENNIS SMALL <br />AG LIME SPREADING <br />219-656.4871 <br />HI -TENSILE <br />FENCING <br />ALL TYPES <br />FOR LIVESTOCK <br />Built To Any Specs <br />Any Location <br />FREE ESTIMATES <br />Dennis L Buschman <br />Reynolds, IN <br />219-984-5305 <br />FARM FINANCIAL PROBLEM <br />SOLVING. I have had a high <br />percentage of success in helping <br />farmers solve financial problems, <br />restructure loans with all kinds of <br />lenders. and appeal FmHA deci- <br />sions. BILL BASTIAN. R. 1 Box <br />391, Rochester, IN 46975. Ph. <br />219/223-4758. (tf) <br />STARTER AND <br />ALTERNATOR <br />REBUILDING <br />Import and Domestic <br />24V to 12V Conversion <br />Starters for JO Tractors <br />Batteries - Cables <br />Martin Repair Shop <br />62803 C.R. 9 <br />Goshen, IN <br />Phone 219-862-3910 <br />HYDRAULIC CYLINDER REPAIR <br />(A# Types) <br />COMPLETE LINE OF SEALS <br />(Repair Your Own) <br />Valves - Hose Assemblies - Cylinders <br />Pumps - Fittings - Accessories <br />DAY EQUIPMENT CORP. <br />1402 E. Monroe Goshen, IN 46525 <br />/Fairgrounds Road) 219-534-3491 <br />--------------- <br />Welding Supplies - Oxygen & Gasses <br />Secondary Grade Steel Tubing <br />- MANY SIZES - <br />*WE BUY ALUMINUM CANS - BRING IN AD <br />50 LB. PREMIUM PAID <br />Open Weekdays and Saturday Mornings <br />GOSHEN IRON & METAL <br />SCRAP METAL BUYERS TWO LOCATIONS <br />409 W. Lincoln or 521 % S. Third, Goshen, IN <br />Phone 219-633-3168 a 533-1623 <br />New and Used <br />FM Business Band Radios <br />and Mobile Telephones <br />LECTRACO -ne■ INC <br />Bourbon - 219-342-6105 <br />1-800-426-3893 <br />Agricultural Lime Spreading <br />Dolomitic Limestone <br />Fine and Regular <br />Soil Testing Available <br />Fisher's Lime Spreading <br />54068 SR 13, Middlebury, IN 46540 Ph. 8259114 <br />Slabaugh's Tiling <br />"Fully Automatic" <br />Laser Alignment <br />for more accurate <br />& faster service <br />r NOTE NEW PHONE NUMBER 11 <br />FREE Phone 219-773-7616 <br />ESTIMATES DOZER WORK <br />' A highly accurate due/grade control system" <br />