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January 1986
Historic Preservation
Meeting Minutes
HPC Meeting Minutes 1986
January 1986
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South Bend HPC
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APPENDIX "A" 1-56 <br />SENA'I'C BILL <br />INTRODUCED BY <br />SENATOR(S) <br />read first time and referred: <br />DIGEST <br />Adds IC 14-6-5.1 to establish a local Etistoric preservation grant program <br />administered by the depnrttnent of natural r.esourcus. Appropriates $1,000,000 to <br />implement the program. Effective July 1, 1986. <br />A BILL FOR AN ACT to amend the Indiana Code concerning historic preservation <br />and to make an appropriation. <br />Be it enacted by the Cenral Assembly of thn, State of Indiana: <br />• 1 SECTION 1. IC 14-6-5.1 IS ADDED TO THE INDIANA CODE AS A NEW CHAPTER TO READ <br />2 AS FOLLOWS: <br />3 Chapter <br />5.1. Local Historic Preservation <br />Program. <br />4 Sec. 1. <br />As urzed in this chnpter, '�d_ epartment" refers to the <br />department of <br />5 natural resources. <br />6 Sec. 2. <br />As used in this chapter, <br />"fund" refers to the <br />local histor-c <br />7 preservation <br />fund established by section 14 of <br />this cliaLer. <br />8 Sec. 3. <br />As used in this chapter, <br />"organization" means <br />a nonprofit, <br />9 nonreligious organization. <br />10 Seca 4. As used in this chapter, "political subdivision" has the meaning set <br />11 forth in IC 36-1-2. <br />12 Sec. 5. As used in this chapter, prggram" refers to the local histori.c <br />13• preservationrg ant program established by section 6 of this chapter. <br />14 Sec. 6. The local historic preservationrg_ant prog.r, m is'established. <br />15 Sec. 7. The department shall administer the pro,rzm. <br />16 Sec. 8. The department shall grant money from the fund to assist <br />07 political subdivisions or or anizations in acquiring developing, constructing 'or <br />18 historic sites or structures in their jurisdictions. <br />19 Soc. 9. To be eligible to receive a grant from the fund-, a political <br />20 subdivision or an organization must meet the following conditions: <br />21 (1) The p2jiit�iccal subdivision or the organization must apply in a manner <br />�•�--.-� -�-- -. -�Zt^7. T. i`.lLT. 4 -C3� -z Cl 1��- �i�if C. 11 C�.f --drP i 1.11l� <br />23 The apPlyjnL political subdivision or orgnnizati.on must provide nt least <br />24 fiftyerp .cent 50: of the cost of the proposed project through public or <br />25 pr"vate mon" or contributions. Prior e..xjenditures clirect_l_y associated with <br />26 thA project may be considered as part of the share of t!�e political <br />•:7 subdivision or the organization under rules adopted ty the deLar.tmont. <br />28 S3). The grant mast benofit historic prohnrties listed on thr, in iinna snite <br />29 register of histor1r: -.E.t end str.nctiires. <br />!,S 8991/DI 04 1 1986 <br />
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