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August 15, 1977 <br />Page 4 <br />about downtown South Bend. He appreciated the position the Commission <br />is taking and remarked that he felt the Mayor was not recognizing the <br />value of the Commission. He felt there are other alternatives to de- <br />molishing the Odd Fellows Building. He felt the Commission should be. <br />held in high esteem. bJr. Stamper said an alternative to the Mini Mall <br />would be to turn the lower two floors of the Odd Fellows Building into <br />shops. He said there are other architects who should be contacted who <br />would have other plans for restoring old buildings, and come up with <br />new places for a parking garage. <br />Mr. Smith then remarked that the Commission had not rushed into this <br />controversy. He said that if anything, the plans for the M ini Mall <br />have been rushed and only one architect was involved. Mr. Oxian said <br />the Commission has issued a personal invitation to the Mayor to meet with the <br />Commission and see the plans and '� have not heard anything." Mr. Oxian <br />pointed out that so far no one has asked the Commission to have any in- <br />put. Mrs. Price suggested that the Advisory Council of Historic Preser- <br />vation review the building and get a professional opinion. <br />Mr. Smith then made a motion that the Commission contact the Advisory <br />Council on Historic Preservation to give their opinion on the remain- <br />ing structures in downtown South Bend - Odd Fellows Building, American <br />Bank Building, J.M.S. Building, Oliver Theater Building, and any other <br />buildings which they would think would be eligible to be placed on the <br />National Register. Ms. Joann Sporleder seconded this motion and it was <br />put to a vote. The motion passed with Me. F. Jay Nimtz abstaining. <br />Mr. Smith next made a motion for the president to contact, or appoint - <br />someone to contact, the Mayor, the Redevelopment Commission, the archi- <br />tects, the owners of the Odd Fellows Building, the developers of the <br />Mini Mall and the P.T.C. to meet with this Commission to discuss the - <br />situation of the development of the Century Yxg2l, and the proposed. park- <br />ing garage and the fate of the Odd Fellows Building. This motion was <br />seconded by Ms. Joann Sporleder and it passed unanimously. It was felt <br />that this should be a Working session" and not a Special Meeting of the <br />Commission. <br />6. Committee Reports <br />City Survey <br />Mr. Ted Wasielewski broght the Commission up -to -date on the progress <br />on the city survey. He had talked with Brian Crumlish. He asked for <br />a list of structures that the Commission would like to be included. <br />He wanted to know if structures rated at 9 and above should be in- <br />cluded. He said there was considerable left over in the survey to <br />do more buildings. Ms. Pendleton said she was against carding struc- <br />tures only rated 9. Mr. Oxian said all superior structures be carded <br />and that a meeting be held with Mr. Crumlish and the Survey Committee <br />to decide on the number of buildings to card and potential districts - <br />be set forth. There was some discussion on this matter. Mr. Wasiel- <br />ewski asked for input from the Commission on how to proceed. One <br />idea was to inventory buildings that were 100 years old. He also <br />wanted to know the general policy on what cards to fill in. He said <br />approximately 200 structures have been identified. Mrs. Price sug- <br />gested that the survey identify street stapes, working with features <br />other than houses in the district. <br />