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Staff Report—BZA#0013-20 June 8, 2020 <br />Criteria for Decision Making: Special Exception <br />The petitioner is seeking a Special Use to allow: <br />a Day Care Center in a U1 Urban Neighborhood 1 District <br />A Special Use may only be granted upon making a written determination, based upon the <br />evidence presented at a public hearing, that: <br />1) The proposed use will not be injurious to the public health, safety, comfort, <br />community moral standards, convenience or general welfare; <br />The addition of a small scale Day Care Center will not be injurious to the public health, <br />safety, morals and general welfare of the community. <br />2) The proposed use will not injure or adversely affect the use of the adjacent area or <br />property values therein; <br />The Day Care Center will be managed in a way that is concurrent with the residential <br />character of the neighborhood in which it is embedded. Provided the center retains the <br />existing character of a traditional single family house, it should not affect the surrounding <br />properties in a substantially adverse manner. <br />3) The proposed use will be consistent with the character of the district in which it is <br />located and the land uses authorized therein; <br />Day Care Centers are not out of character with the S1 Suburban Neighborhood 1 Districts. <br />This Special Exception is needed because the owner will not live on the premises. The <br />owner has demonstrated a willingness to manage the property by providing needed repairs <br />to the structure and continue to keep the property consistent with its former use as a single <br />family home. <br />4) The proposed use is compatible with the recommendations of the Comprehensive <br />Plan. <br />This petition is consistent with the City Plan, South Bend Comprehensive Plan, Objective <br />ED 7: Support neighborhood-based economic development. A Day Care Center is a good <br />example of neighborhood development and redevelopment such as this Day Care Center as <br />long as it is in character with the neighborhood. <br />Analysis & Recommendation <br />Analysis: Permitting a Day Care Center imbedded in a neighborhood but also near a primary <br />arterial street will provide easy access for parents seeking childcare for their children. <br />Staff Recommendation: Based on the evidence available prior to the public hearing, the staff <br />recommends the Board send the Special Exception to the Common Council with a favorable <br />recommendation. <br />SOUTH BEND BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Page 3 of 3