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a) The Common Council shall appoint a full-time director of the Citizens' Police Complaint <br />Office. The director shall be supervised by the citizen's Complaint Board and be subject to <br />review and evaluation by Common Council. The duties of the director shall include: <br />1) Managing the Citizens' Police Complaint Office, including its staff; and <br />2) Enhancing communications and good will between the police and the citizenry. <br />b) The director is authorized to adopt such rules and procedures as the director may deem <br />appropriate for the proper administration and enforcement of this division. All such rules and <br />procedures shall be adopted only after posting of the rules and procedures proposed to be <br />adopted on the City's website at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such rules and <br />procedures. Upon adoption, the director shall maintain a copy of the rules and procedures on file <br />in the director's office. <br />c) The director shall have the authority to contract with investigators and legal counsel, if the <br />City Corporation Counsel is not available, to aid in the investigation of complaints filed with <br />or processed by the Office. <br />d) The director shall be in regular communication with the Chief of the South Bend Police <br />Department and may make recommendations to the Chief concerning matters of conduct <br />and recurring issues that are processed by the Citizens' Police Complaint Office. The <br />director shall also provide periodic reports for publication in the Police Department's annual <br />report. <br />d) Staffing and budget recommendations for the Citizens' Police Complaint Office shall be <br />made by the director in consultation with the Mayor or the Mayor's designee and the <br />Citizens' Police Complaint Board. <br />f) On a quarterly basis, the director shall forward a report of each Complaint Board member's <br />attendance and each voting member's training, as required by Sec. 2-12.2.2(d), to the <br />Common Council, the Public Safety Director, and the Chief of the South Bend Police <br />Department. <br />Sec. 2-12.2.7. - Complaint investigation and hearing procedures. <br />a) Upon the filing of a complaint,the director shall immediately send a copy of the complaint <br />to the Chief of the South Bend Police Department or the Chiefs designee. In addition, the <br />officer or officers alleged to be involved in the incident shall be notified of the date of the <br />incident and given a copy of the complaint. After the filing of a complaint, the Complaint <br />Board shall table its own investigation for a period of sixty(60) working days to allow the <br />Department to conduct its own investigation and to allow the Chief to take appropriate <br />action. The Chief may request an extension of time to complete the investigation from the <br />director; however, if deemed appropriate or necessary, the Complaint Board may order the <br />director to conduct an independent simultaneous investigation before the end of the <br />investigation conducted by the department. Such action must be authorized by a three- <br />fourths (3/4) vote of the entire Complaint Board. <br />b) When the investigation is returned to the Citizens' Police Complaint Office, the Complaint <br />Board shall review the investigation conducted by the department and the action taken by <br />the Chief, if any. If the Complaint Board does not agree with the action taken by the Chief