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exterior and interior of the landmark. The person or agency responsible for demolition of the landmark shall be responsible for <br /> this documentation. <br /> E.Moving <br /> The moving of landmarks is discouraged,however,moving is preferred to demolition. When moving is necessary,the owner of <br /> the landmark must apply to the Commission for a Certificate of Appropriateness. <br /> F.Signs <br /> No neon or flashing signs will be permitted unless they are original to the structure. Billboards and super-graphics will also be <br /> disallowed. Only one appropriate identifying sign will be permitted per business. <br /> G.Building Site and Landscaping <br /> (These standards apply to both A and B) <br /> I.Required <br /> Major landscaping items,trees,fencing,walkways,private yard lights,signs(house numbers)and benches which <br /> reflect the property's history and development shall be retained. Dominant land contours shall be retained. Structures <br /> such as:gazebos,patio decks,fixed barbecue pits,swimming pools,tennis courts,green houses,new walls,fountains, <br /> fixed garden furniture,trellises,and other similar structures shall be compatible to the historic character of the site and <br /> neighborhood and inconspicuous when viewed from a public way. <br /> 2.Recommended <br /> New site work should be based upon actual knowledge of the past appearance of the property found in photographs, <br /> drawings,and newspapers. Plant materials and trees in close proximity to the building that are causing deterioration <br /> to the buildings historic fabric should be removed. However,trees and plant materials that must be removed should <br /> be immediately replaced by suitable flora. Front yard areas should not be fenced except in cases where historic <br /> documentation would indicate such fencing appropriate. Fencing should be in character with the buildings style, <br /> materials,and scale. <br /> 3.Prohibited <br /> No changes may be made to the appearance of the site by removing major landscaping items,trees,fencing, <br /> walkways,outbuildings,and other elements before evaluating their importance to the property's history and <br /> development. Front yard areas shall not be transformed into parking lots nor paved nor blacktopped. The installation <br /> of unsightly devices such as TV reception dishes and solar collectors shall not be permitted in areas where they can be <br /> viewed from public thoroughfares. <br /> STAFF RECOMMENDATION:Staff recommends allowing for the replacement of original siding.Staff does not recommend <br /> the proposed replacement siding because it does not conform to Group B Standards with additional consideration for the <br /> Notable rating of the property.Staff recommends a replacement siding that more closely resembles the original in style,size, <br /> and texture,preferably wood shiplap.Staff recommends that all trim around the windows,the roof gable,and the brackets <br /> replicate the original. <br /> Prepared by <br /> Elicia Feasel <br /> Historic Preservation Administrator <br /> and <br /> Adam Toering <br /> Historic Preservation Specialist <br /> PETITIONER COMMENTS: <br /> Mr.Modlin stated that the costs as summarized in the staff report were incorrect. The cedar siding was$40,000 for$70,000 <br /> plus,and that more detailed information was requested. Mr.Modlin estimated that it would cost$17,500 to paint. <br /> Mr.Modlin had Danny Kimmel estimated that it would cost$23,000 to paint the cedar siding. From the tongue-and- <br /> groove estimate was for labor and installation,and that was a$43,000 estimation from Mastercraft construction. Total <br /> for wood siding would be$117,000 or so. <br /> Commissioner Hertel asked for clarification,as she believed that Mr.Modlin had been doing the installation. <br /> Mr.Modlin confirmed,yes,that they were asked to give more of an estimate if they were to hire the project out. Mr.Modlin <br /> estimated that it would take 350 man hours to paint,at a value of approximately$17,500; Danny Kimmel estimated it <br /> would cost$23,000 to paint. To install the siding,Mr.Modlin estimated$40,000,Mastercraft estimated$43,000. <br /> The painting estimate did not include tax. <br /> Commissioner Stalheim asked if the vapor barrier was included in the cost. <br /> Mr.Modlin confirmed that vapor barrier was included,but it does not include the mesh underlayment layer. The reason wood <br /> was included was to show the massive cost difference. Just the wood alone is a financial hardship. They cannot <br /> afford the wood,they cannot afford to have it installed,they cannot afford to have it painted. <br /> Commissioner Hertel asked if Mr.Modlin is updating his application. <br /> Legal Counsel Kennedy clarified that they were not updating the application,they were clarifying that there were three cost <br /> estimate options and not five. <br />