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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - September 1, 1995 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />b. continued... <br />Mr. Gonderman noted that one of the <br />highlights of this proposal process has been <br />working with the Redevelopment staff. He <br />noted that they intend to initially construct <br />an 8,000 square foot facility that will be a <br />high -scale event center, which will likely <br />include satellite communications for <br />businesses in the area. <br />Mr. Gonderman noted that the parking, <br />which could be for as many as 600 cars if <br />the expansion takes place, will be well <br />screened and will include at least four tree <br />islands to break it up. <br />Mr. Gonderman explained that soon after <br />the construction of the event center, he <br />expects to construct the maintenance garage <br />in the basement of one of his office <br />buildings planned for construction on the <br />second parcel. He also noted that he will <br />need an additional building to store gasoline <br />for mowing machines away from the other <br />buildings. <br />Mr. Jon Hunt commented that the architects <br />have done an excellent job of taking <br />advantage of the site and the potential for <br />development there. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the withdrawal by <br />Sycamore Knoll, Inc. of its previous <br />proposal and accepted the new proposal of <br />Sycamore Knoll, Inc., conditioned on the <br />parties' arriving at a mutually acceptable site <br />plan for the project and contractual <br />language. -6 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE <br />WITHDRAWAL OF THE PREVIOUS <br />PROPOSAL FROM SYCAMORE KNOLL, INC. <br />AND ACCEPTED THE NEW PROPOSAL <br />CONDITIONED ON ARRIVING AT A <br />MUTUALLY ACCEPTABLE SITE PLAN FOR <br />THE PROJECT AND CONTRACTUAL <br />LANGUAGE <br />