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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - September 1, 1995 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />i. Commission approval requested for <br />Certificate of Waiver for property located <br />at 413 S. Jackson Street. (Joseph <br />MacHatton) <br />Mr. Jon Hunt noted that this Certificate of <br />Waiver waives $2,250.00 for each of the <br />four years ending June 24, 1992, 1993, <br />1994, and 1995. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the Certificate of <br />Waiver in the amount of $2,250 for each of <br />the four years ending June 24, 1992, 1993, <br />1994, and 1995 for property located at <br />427' /2 W. LaSalle (Joseph MacHatton) <br />j. Commission approval requested for <br />Certificate of Waiver for property located <br />at 712 Lindsey Street. (Louis M. & Mary <br />H. Seago) <br />Mr. Jon Hunt noted that this Certificate of <br />Waiver waives $406.70 for the year ending <br />August 30, 1995 <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the Certificate of <br />Waiver in the amount of $406.70 as of <br />August 30, 1995 for property located at 712 <br />Lindsey Street (Louis M. & Mary H. Seago) <br />k. Commission approval requested for <br />Certificate of Waiver for property located <br />at 1014 N. Eddy Street. (Norman & <br />Deborah Buckman) <br />-12- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE CERTIFICATE <br />OF WAIVER IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,250 FOR <br />EACH OF THE FOUR YEARS ENDING <br />JUNE 24, 1992, 1993, 1994 AND 1995 FOR <br />PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4271h W. LASALLE <br />(JOSEPH MACHATTON) <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE CERTIFICATE <br />OF WAIVER IN THE AMOUNT OF $406.70 AS <br />OF AUGUST 30, 1995 FOR PROPERTY <br />LOCATED AT 712 LINDSEY STREET (LOUIS <br />M. & MARY H. SEAGO) <br />