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City of South Bend <br />Co~nmon Council <br />441 County-City Building .227 W. Jefferson Blvd <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601-1830 <br />Karen L. White Members of the Common Council Apri120, 2004 <br />President 4a' Floor County-City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />Roland Kelly <br />Vice-President Re: Substitute Bill No. 24-04 Loud and Raucous Noise <br />(574) 235-9321 <br />Fax (574) 235-9173 <br />TDD (574) 235-5567 <br />http://www <br />Sean Coleman <br />Chairperson, Committee Dear Council Members: <br />of the Whole <br />Since filing the original proposed ordinance which recommends raising <br />Derek D. Dieter the fines for violating the City's loud and raucous noise regulations, I have <br />First District received many calls from members of the public in support of this proposal. The <br />April 5, 2004 Time magazine article which I attached to the original filing points <br />Charlotte D. Pfeifer out some of the many health concerns related to loud and raucous noises. <br />Second District <br />Roland Kelly The attached Substitute Bill would add "and Deposits of Fine Monies" to <br />Third District the title of Section 13-57.05, and it would add new paragraph (d). The Common <br />Council has emphasized the need for training of city employees on many <br />Ann Puzzello occasions. The proposed new paragraph would: <br />Fourth District <br />1. Earmark 100% of the monies collected to the Police <br />David Varner Department Training Fund (Fund # 220); <br />Fifth District <br />2. Would require that all interest earned on monies deposited <br />Ervin Kuspa into Fund # 220 would stay with that account; <br />Sixth District <br />Sean Coleman 3. Would require the Department of Administration and Finance <br />At Large to file by the last business day of each month a written <br />report detailing the amount of money collected AND the <br />Al "Buddy" Kirsits amount of interest earned. <br />At Large <br />I believe that these amendments would benefit the City by providing a <br />Karen L. White specific training use which can be tracked for 100% of the revenues collected. I <br />At Large further believe that by adding the reporting requirement of the Controller's Office, <br />Kathleen, Cekanski-Farranc~-at the Council will be better able to evaluate the effectiveness of the overall <br />Council Attorney program. It should be noted that Section 14-11 of the South Bend Municipal <br />Code designates that 50% of all curfew fine monies collected be. deposit <br />the Juvenile Positive Assistance Fund which assists in DARE and assists in o~ier <br />police activities. T encourage each of yo o support this amendment. Th ~ . <br />' ~ C _ ~ <br />Sincerely` .~ <br />Council Member Derek D. Dieter, Personnel and Finance Chairperson ~ <br />V <br />c <br />~o <br />_d <br />1- -) ~~~ <br />C~ S° <br />~ ~~ <br />~~ <br />~~; <br />