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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Special Informal Meeting - April 3, 1995 <br />Commission has committed to spending at least what it would cost to provide a facility equal to <br />the old Dean Johnson Park. <br />Ms. Auburn asked what next steps need to be taken by the Commission to move the Strategic <br />Action Plan forward. Mrs. Kolata indicated that the staff would continue to work with the <br />neighborhood to decide what kind of amenities to include in the park. Representatives may go <br />to other cities and observe other successful parks. The staff will also begin working toward <br />changing the zoning in the area in accordance with the plan. The staff will also continue to <br />develop the rules for the "house move" program. <br />Ms. Black noted that it has been difficult to identify families to purchase the homes if they are <br />moved. One family who would have been relocated would like to have their house moved and <br />be relocated into that same house. The idea was suggested to use a program similar to the <br />former Homestead Program whereby families interested in a particular house could participate <br />in a drawing and the winner be awarded the house for $1.00. <br />The neighborhood representatives asked what would happen to the site being prepared for IVY <br />Tbch if that facility never received funding for that location. The neighborhood is concerned <br />that the site not be used for a light industrial park. Mrs. Kolata responded that there is no <br />other plan for that site except for use by IVY Tbch and that the staff would not put it to <br />another use without the input of the neighborhood. <br />Mrs. Kolata apologized to the neighborhood representatives for a group of Redevelopment - <br />owned houses which have been sitting vacant and not been torn down. They homes had <br />asbestos problems and needed to have demolition specifications written to properly dispose of <br />the asbestos. She noted that they will begin to be torn down this week. <br />That concluded the informal discussion of the Southeast Quality of Life Neighborhood <br />Association Strategic Action Plan. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. <br />wv-,Ian <br />,"Who <br />, gi <br />-3- <br />- /L <br />Kolata, Director <br />