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PARCEL II. <br /> That part of the Northeast quarter of Section 32, T. 37 N., R. 3 E., Penn <br /> Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana which is described as: Beginning at a <br /> Point which is S. 32°-29'-01" E., 230.00 ft. from a Point on the North and <br /> South quarter line of said Section which is S. Of -12 -38" E., 1713.62 ft. <br /> from the North qu-ter Post of said Section; thence N. 57 :-30'-59" E., 260.00 <br /> ft.; thence S. 3g"-29'-01" E. 390.00 ft.; thence S. 57°-30'-59" W., 260.00 <br /> ft.; thence N. 32�-29'-01" W., 390.00 ft. to the Point of Beginning. <br /> Containing 2.3278 Acres. <br /> BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY ESTABLISHED AS "C" COMMERCIAL, "A" HEIGHT & AREA. <br /> SECTION II. THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT FROM AND AFTER ITS <br /> PASSAGE BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, APPROVAL BY THE MAYOR, AND LEGAL PUBLICATION. <br /> MEMO OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br /> Ejr-i signed only to n.rovii~e an <br /> oppor tun i t <br /> and Councta a.o:Icri on the issue.. <br /> Filed in Clerk's Office- <br /> 1 st READING 41-/0?-98 <br /> PUBLIC HEARING to - /4{ 93 1` 3 <br /> 3rd READING -/4/- 9-3 <br /> NOT APPROVED IREIVE GAMMON <br /> REFERRED CITY CLERK,SO.BEND,IN. <br />