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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Special Meeting - November 15, 1993 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />d. continued... <br />but may not have the money for the project. <br />The Roof Loan Program offers a flexible <br />loan program to make roof replacement <br />possible to low income people. All loans <br />under this program will be secured by a <br />mortgage. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the loan to Margaret <br />Jamison is in the amount of $4650, to be <br />repaid over a ten year period with a monthly <br />payment of $40.25. The loans are at 0% <br />interest. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Mr. Sharp and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the loan in the amount <br />of $4650 in connection with the Roof Loan <br />Program for property located at 1009 E. <br />Milton. (Margaret Jamison) <br />e. Commission approval requested for loan in <br />connection with the Roof Loan Program for <br />property located at 1337 E. Miner. (Joe <br />Latting) <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the loan to Joe Latting <br />is in the amount of $3600, to be paid over <br />164 months. The monthly payment is <br />$23.05. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Sharp, seconded by <br />Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the loan in the amount <br />of $3600 in connection with the Roof Loan <br />Program for property located at 1337 E. <br />Miner. (Joe Latting) <br />-16- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE LOAN IN THE <br />AMOUNT OF $4650 IN CONNECTION WITH <br />THE ROOF LOAN PROGRAM FOR PROPERTY <br />LOCATED AT 1009 E. MILTON. (MARGARET <br />JAMISON) <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE LOAN IN THE <br />AMOUNT OF $3600 IN CONNECTION WITH <br />THE ROOF LOAN PROGRAM FOR PROPERTY <br />LOCATED AT 1337 E. MINER. (JOE LATTING) <br />