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Will the College Football Hall of Fame Draw Fans <br />to "Rallies," "Festivals," and "Alumni Weekend Getaways "? <br />In a news release of July 18, 1993, I emphasized that the recently - released <br />report on the CFHF by Economic Research Associates of Chicago at a cost of <br />$40,000 was a "two -edged sword." That is, it could also be used to argue <br />against the Hall project. <br />I wrote that phrase before a close reading of the passage quoted below on <br />the "Events Market!'(pp. 22 -23). That market is expected to draw 42,500 fans <br />the first year, which is 26% of total attendance. That percentage is fairly <br />constant throughout the decade, ending at 28% for years 6 -10. As I read this <br />section, I continually asked, "Will these ideas work in South Bend ?" They <br />seem most unrealistic. Your reaction? <br />Below is the complete text. Numbers in parentheses are added for detail and <br />come from Table 3 -1 of the ERA report. <br />Events Market <br />This market consists of three separate submarkets: the weekly <br />college football rallies, the College Football Festivals and the <br />College Alumni Weekend Getaways. <br />The College Football rallies are weekly events at the proposed <br />College Football Hall of Fame and the Century Center that take <br />place while games are being played on Saturdays. It is expected <br />that the rallies will feature many large screen TV's that will <br />show games underway across the country. We anticipate an <br />admission fee, and that food and beverages will be available for <br />sale. (12 C 2,000 = 24,000) <br />Three College Football Festivals are anticipated each year. Like <br />the College Football Rallies, it is expected that these will take <br />place at the proposed College Football Hall of Fame and the Century <br />Center. The first festival of the year would be a larger New <br />Years day "Bowl Games" version of the weekly College Football <br />Rallies. (4,500) The focus of the second festival would be the <br />annual enshrinement of new members into the Hall of Fame. (7,000) <br />The theme and timing of the third festival is unprogrammed at this <br />time. (4,500) (Total of three festivals: 16,000) <br />The College Alumni Weekend Getaways would be weekend getaways to <br />South Bend co- sponsored each weekend by a different large <br />midwestern college football program and alumni program. The <br />weekends could be timed, when possible, to coincide with games that <br />pit a school against Notre Dame. While attendance at the Alumni <br />Weekend Getaways could come from all over, it is expected that they <br />will primarily come from the Chicago alumni clubs of large <br />midwestern universities. (10 @ 250 = 2,500) <br />None of these events currently exist. Attendance estimates are <br />based on typical attendance at similar events.... Total visitation <br />from these three submarkets is 42,500. <br />