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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - July 16, 1993 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />b. continued... <br />retail. This issue needs to be resolved <br />related to the phase two office building <br />and the parking garage. 7) The Sale of <br />Land is conditional upon the <br />conveyance of the Transpo Lot to the <br />Commission and the relocation of <br />Transpo. 8) We need to make <br />arrangements to accommodate a parking <br />garage on the east side of the Teachers <br />Credit Union Building. The City has an <br />obligation to build parking for them on <br />that lot. We currently have a lease - <br />purchase agreement with them for that <br />lot. The staff has met with Teachers <br />Credit Union recently about building a <br />garage to accommodate their needs as <br />well as this project's needs. Although <br />we feel that the meetings were <br />successful and that we can move <br />forward, there are a number of details <br />that must be worked out. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the Joint <br />Development Committee met earlier <br />today and determined that the proposed <br />project of Trammell Crow meets the <br />necessary criteria for a development on <br />that site and recommended that the <br />Redevelopment Commission accept the <br />proposal from Trammell Crow. The <br />staff recommends that the Commission <br />accept the proposal, subject to a number <br />of details: 1) Finalizing details on the <br />proposed parking garage and plaza; 2) a <br />successful issuance of TIF bonds <br />necessary to finance the parking garage <br />-12- <br />