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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - July 2, 1993 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />a. continued... <br />Mr. Gillespie gave some background on the <br />Trammel Crow company and its team for this <br />project. Trammell Crow MW Inc. is 45 <br />years old. They have developed nearly <br />200,000,000 square feet of projects totalling <br />over $8,000,000,000 in project cost. They <br />are now a full service development company, <br />offering property management, leasing, <br />acquisition, facility management services, etc. <br />They have worked with Urban Design Group <br />for the design of the building and with Wolff <br />Associates for design of the public plaza. <br />Mr. Gillespie noted that a very important part <br />of their proposal is the Multi - Employer <br />Property Trust. The trust is a pooled real <br />estate investment fund that invests in high <br />quality real estate projects with solid <br />underwriting, and is committed to putting <br />money back into communities where those <br />pension funds originated. They invest in only <br />100 % union built projects. <br />Munin Choudrey, senior design partner for <br />Urban Design Group, explained the site plan <br />for the project. He noted that Urban Design <br />Group has worked with Trammell Crow on <br />many projects, both public and private. They <br />tried laying the project out several different <br />ways, deciding on this final plan which has a <br />very urban character and maintains the visual <br />corridor between Century Center and the <br />County Courthouse which was important to <br />the City. Although they are enthusiastic <br />about the final plan, they consider it a <br />conceptual plan and are willing to discuss <br />-5- <br />