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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - July 2, 1993 <br />I continued... <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded COMMISSION APPROVED THE PROPOSAL <br />by Mr. Sharp and unanimously carried, the FROM KEN HERCEG & ASSOCIATES FOR <br />Commission approved the proposal from Ken ENGINEERING SERVICES IN THE WEST <br />Herce & Associates for engineering services WASHINGTON -CHAPIN DEVELOPMENT <br />g g AREA FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED <br />in the West Washington - Chapin Development $46,500 <br />Area for an amount not to exceed $46,500. <br />1. Commission auoroval requested for appraisal <br />services in the Sample -Ewing Development <br />Area. <br />Item 6.1. was tabled. ITEM 6.L. WAS TABLED <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />AWK <br />Sherriff Joseph Nagy gave a report in response to PROGRESS REPORTS <br />the proposal of Tom Brademas presented at the <br />June 16 meeting at which Mr. Brademas <br />proposed rehabbing the Shetland Building in the <br />Studebaker Corridor for use as a County Jail, <br />based on a similar project in Houston, Texas. <br />Mr. Nagy and others have inspected the Shetland <br />Building and found a number of problems with its <br />use as a jail, among which were prisoner <br />movement in a multi -story building and the need <br />to construct new walls within the present walls in <br />order to have proper security for the level of <br />prisoners which will be housed there. The <br />Houston facility is a lower level security prison <br />than St. Joseph County's is. <br />• 1 1 • 1" 1 <br />The next Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />Commission is scheduled for Friday, July 16, <br />1993 at 10:00 a.m. <br />C; -15- <br />