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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - February 19, 1993 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />g. continued... <br />to reflect the fact that that property is no <br />longer under the lease or the bond. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Sharp, seconded by <br />COMMISSION APPROVED <br />Mr. Piaseel i and unanimously carried, the <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1136 <br />Commission approved Resolution No. 1136 <br />APPROVING EXECUTION OF <br />approving the execution of the Termination <br />THE TERMINATION OF <br />of Sublease with the City of South Bend. <br />SUBLEASE WITH THE CITY OF <br />(SBCDA Public Improvement Project) <br />SOUTH BEND (SBCDA PUBLIC <br />IMPROVEMENT PROJECT) <br />h. Commission approval requested for <br />Resolution No 1137 approving a Fifth <br />Amendment to Lease with the <br />Aft Redevelopment Authority for pr�p�rty <br />ated <br />locin the South Bend Central <br />Development Area. (SBCDA Public <br />Improvement Project) <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Piasecld, seconded <br />COMMISSION APPROVED <br />by Mr. Sharp and unanimously carried, the <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1137 <br />Commission approved Resolution No. 1137 <br />APPROVING A FIFTH <br />approving a Fifth Amendment to Lease <br />AMENDMENT TO LEASE WITH <br />with the Redevelopment Authority for <br />THE REDEVELOPMENT <br />property located in the South Bend Central <br />AUTHORITY FOR PROPERTY <br />LOCATED IN THE SOUTH BEND <br />Development Area. (SBCDA Public <br />CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT <br />Improvement Project) <br />AREA (SBCDA PUBLIC <br />IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />i. Commission approval requested for <br />Resolution No. 1138 changing the base <br />assessment date for pr�pgi y in the West <br />Washin on -C in Development Area. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that, as a result of the <br />1989 reassessment, the West Washington <br />TTF area has a negative tax increment <br />-14- <br />