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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - November 6, 1992 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />g. Commission approval requested for <br />Corporate Undertaking in connection with <br />West Washington Homes redevelopment <br />prol ect . <br />Ms. Manier explained that this is a final <br />step in the conveyance of the 1200 block <br />of W. Washington to South Bend Heritage <br />for the West Washington Homes affordable <br />housing project. This document allows <br />the title company to issue a title <br />insurance policy for all the properties, <br />including two which are still in <br />condemnation. By these Corporate <br />Undertakings, the Commission promises to <br />complete the condemnations so that South <br />Bend Heritage will not lose its interest <br />in those properties. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded COMMISSION APPROVED THE CORPORATE <br />by Ms. Huddleston and unanimously UNDERTAKING IN CONNECTION WITH <br />carried, the Commission approved the WEST WASHINGTON HOMES <br />Corporate Undertaking in connection with REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT <br />West Washington Homes redevelopment <br />project. <br />h. Staff report on bid for Parcel 6 in the <br />Studebaker Corridor Development Area <br />(Schafer Gear Works) . <br />Mr. Pocius noted that Disposition Parcel <br />6 is located at the southeast corner of <br />Main and Tutt streets and is <br />approximately one third of an acre. <br />Schafer Gear Works was the sole bidder <br />for the parcel when we offered it for <br />public bid. They propose to build a <br />15,000 sq. ft. addition to their present <br />facility. Approximately 2,500 sq. ft. <br />will be used as office space with the <br />remainder used for manufacturing. The <br />addition will have red brick exterior to <br />match the existing building. Landscaping <br />along Main Street will match the existing <br />landscaping, but they do not plan <br />additional landscaping due to the <br />constraints of the site. The staff <br />recommends sale of the parcel to Schafer <br />Gear Works. <br />-9- <br />