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N <br />(�egular South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Meeting - July 10, 1992 <br />3. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS (Cont.) <br />4. <br />STUDEBAKER CORRIDOR BOND <br />NIPSCO $ 19.78 <br />TOTAL $ 19.78 <br />GRAND TOTAL $ 334.33 <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Doncho, seconded by COMMISSION FORMALLY APPROVED THE <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, the CLAIMS SUBMITTED JULY 10, 1992 <br />Commission formally approved the claims FOR PAYMENT <br />submitted July 10, 1992. <br />There were no Communications. THERE WERE NO COMMUNICATIONS <br />S. OLD BUSINESS <br />There was no Old Business. THERE WAS NO OLD BUSINESS <br />Ms. Auburn announced that items 6.r. and 6.s. <br />AWNwill be added to the agenda. There were no <br />IL objections and the items were so added. <br />MW <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. Receipt of bids for Parcel M4 -1 in the <br />South Bend Central Development Area <br />(402 -404 E. South Street). <br />Mr. Hunt noted that 402 -404 E. South <br />Street is the former L. Keen Building in <br />Monroe Park. We offered it for bid again <br />after it returned to the Commission <br />recently. <br />Four bid packets were picked up. No bids THERE WERE NO BIDS RECEIVED <br />were received for the parcel. <br />b. Public Hearincr on Resolution No. 1071 <br />authorizing the execution of a Lease for <br />certain public improvements on behalf of <br />the Citv of South Bend and regarding <br />other related matters. <br />Mr. Hunt noted that Resolution No. 1071 <br />is related to the Lease between the <br />Redevelopment Authority and the <br />Redevelopment Commission for Blackthorn <br />-2- <br />