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South Bend <br />Regular Me <br />6. NEW BU <br />e. co <br />f. <br />a <br />e1cpment CmuLLssion <br />- January 10, 1992 <br />(Cont.) <br />that need to be released. They are well <br />on their way to being satisfied. We <br />rec that the Canni,ssion adopt the <br />resolution conditioned on those two items <br />be�bicr satisfied. <br />upon a motion by Ms. Huddleston, seconded <br />by mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, <br />the Carmission approved Resolution No. <br />1036 relating to acquisition of property <br />within the Studebaker Corridor <br />lopment Area by Eminent Dwain, <br />corx1itional on clearing exceptions 9 & 10 <br />on the preliminary title policy. <br />Mrs Kolata noted that we have received a <br />cowiter offer of $5,000 for parcel 4 -49 <br />in the Studebaker Corridor, 1112 S. <br />Franklin, fran Mr. and Mrs. Bilinski. <br />The staff recamunds accepting the offer. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Doncho, seconded by <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, the <br />Ccmnission accepted the counter offer of <br />$5,000 for parcel 4 -49 in the Studebaker <br />Corridor Development Area. <br />Mrs Kolata explained that the legal <br />description for the property we conveyed <br />for the construction of the LTV building <br />was in error. Vacated Washington Street <br />was paid for, but was not in the legal <br />des ription. This Corrective Deed <br />cortects that error. <br />PAM <br />CaAMISSION ACCE= THE COUNTER <br />• E■ OF ••0 FOR •• -•ICI <br />FRANKLIN) IN THE STTJDEBAKER CORRIDOR <br />DEVELOP= AREA (1112 S. <br />a motion by Ms. Huddleston, seconded COMMISSION AUTHORIZED EXECUTION <br />by Mr. Doncho and unanimously carried, OF CORRECTIVE DEED FOR PROPERTY <br />the Ca mission authorized execution of IN THE SOUTH BEND CENTRAL <br />the Corrective Deed related to property DEVELOP[= AREA <br />in the South Bend Central Development <br />-9- <br />