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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - December 20, 1991 <br />6. NEW BUS (Cont.) <br />7. <br />8. <br />d. continued... <br />Mr. Donoho declared a conflict of <br />interest on this item. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the Contract for Sale <br />of Land with West Washington Homes <br />Partnership for parcels W58 -19, W58 -20, <br />W58-26, W58 -27, W58 -28, W58 -290 W58 -30, <br />W58-31, W58 -32, W58 -33, W58 -340 W58 -35, <br />W58-36, W58 -37, W58 -38, W58 -42, W64 -1, <br />W64-2, W64 -3, W64 -4, W64 -5, W64 -6, W64 -7, <br />W64-8, W64 -9, W64 -10, W64 -11, W64 -12, <br />W64-13 in the West Washington - Chapin <br />Development Area. Mr. Donoho abstained. <br />There were no progress reports. <br />The nex meeting of the Commission is its <br />Organiz tional Meeting scheduled for January <br />2, 1992° lat 10:00 a.m. <br />There b ing no further business to come <br />before t t- Commission, Mr. Faccenda made a <br />motion t at the meeting be adjourned. Mr. <br />Donoho-,seconded the motion and the meeting <br />was adjourned at 10:34 a.m. <br />Paula N. <br />IJC'Ct�� <br />Auburn, President <br />-4- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE CONTRACT <br />FOR SALE OF LAND WITH WEST <br />WASHINGTON HOMES PARTNERSHIP FOR <br />PARCELS W58 -19, W58 -20, W58 -26, <br />W58 -27, W58 -28, W58 -29, W58 -30, <br />W58 -31, W58 -32, W58 -33, W58 -34, <br />W58 -35, W58 -36, W58 -37, W58 -38, <br />W58 -42, W64 -1, W64 -2, W64 -3, <br />W64 -4, W64 -5o W64 -6, W64 -7, <br />W64 -8, W64 -9, W64 -10, W64 -11, <br />W64 -12, W64 -13 IN THE WEST <br />WASHINGTON- CHAPIN DEVELOPMENT <br />AREA <br />THERE WERE NO PROGRESS REPORTS <br />NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />P-11 bit lIi i�j4i �Y4 <br />Ann-4. Kolata, Director <br />