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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - September 27, 1991 <br />6. NEW BUS NESS (Cont.) <br />a. con�imued... <br />10 <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />Cormnission approved the proposal of <br />$16,748.00 for rehab of the property <br />located at 421 N. Blaine. <br />Ms. Auburn asked Mr. Leverman how he felt <br />about the Rental Rehab Program in general <br />and what recourse the Commission has if <br />the properties are not kept up once they <br />are rehabilitated. Mr. Leverman <br />res onded that, since the 10°s payment <br />com s up for waiver each year, and one of <br />the conditions of the Rental Rehab <br />Pro ram to qualify for waiver is that the <br />pro erty meet code requirements, the <br />wai er is motivation for the owner to <br />k the property up. <br />Mrs Kolata reported that the staff has <br />rev'ewed the proposal of the South Bend <br />Tribune to build a 25,000 sq. ft. <br />expansion on the cleared 16,345 sq. ft. <br />site. The total investment would be <br />approximately $10,000,000, evenly divided <br />between building construction and new <br />equ'pment. They propose to expand their <br />fir 5t floor production facilities and <br />sec nd floor office space to greatly <br />enh nce their production process. They <br />wilL require that the City vacate the <br />exi ting north /south alley for one -half <br />blo k north of Colfax Avenue. The <br />bui ding exterior materials proposed <br />(br'ck, limestone, granite) are <br />appropriate for downtown new <br />con truction. The staff feels that this <br />is very fine proposal and recommends <br />acc pting it. <br />Mr. IFaccenda and Ms. Auburn declared a <br />conflict of interest on this item. <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE <br />$16,748.00 PROPOSAL FOR REHAB OF <br />THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 421 N. <br />BLAINE <br />