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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - September 27, 1991 <br />5 <br />a. <br />Mrs Kolata noted that Mr. Herceg's <br />proposal was received shortly after the <br />September 13 Commission meeting. The <br />proposal is to perform a Phase I <br />environmental site assessment on a number <br />of Droperties in the 1200 Block of West <br />Was ington. We anticipate that some of <br />the properties will require a Phase II <br />ass ssment. The proposal outlines the <br />typ s of work to be done in each phase. <br />Phase II may include removal of tanks and <br />testing of the ground under the tanks. <br />The Phase I scope of services will be <br />completed for a lump sum of $25,000 with <br />any additional work required billed at a <br />rate of time and materials. The <br />technical services to be performed in <br />Phase II will be billed at a rate of time <br />and materials (approximately $19,000 - <br />$25 000 for a November 1 completion date, <br />or 28,000 - $35,000 for an October 15 <br />com letion date). The removal of the <br />tan cs will cost between $8,000 and <br />$12,000. <br />Mrs Kolata noted that the completion <br />dat s were conditional on the proposal <br />bei g approved by September 20. The <br />sta f authorized Mr. Herceg to proceed <br />witi the contract and would like the <br />con ract to be ratified at this time. <br />Ms. Auburn declared a conflict of <br />int rest on this item. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded <br />by 14r. Donoho and unanimously carried, <br />the Commission approved the proposal from <br />Ken Herceg and Associates to perform <br />environmental assessment in the West <br />Was ington /Chapin Development Area for <br />the costs listed above and ratified staff <br />aut orization to proceed. Ms. Auburn <br />-7- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE PROPOSAL <br />FROM KEN HERCEG AND ASSOCIATES TO <br />PERFORM ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br />IN THE WEST WASHINGTON /CHAPIN <br />DEVELOPMENT AREA FOR THE COSTS <br />LISTED ABOVE AND RATIFIED STAFF <br />AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED <br />