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South Bend <br />Regular Meei <br />6. NEW BUS: <br />e. coni <br />7 <br />8 <br />elopment Commission <br />- September 27, 1991 <br />(Cont.) <br />Mrs Kolata noted that there are seven <br />leases, all similar. They are for the <br />sur ace parking lots on Washington <br />between Michigan and St. Joseph Streets; <br />at Main and Western; and Michigan Street, <br />known as the Baer's lot; and for the four <br />storefronts in the State Theatre. The <br />leases are with Center City Associates <br />and the rent is $1.00. Provisions in the <br />leases include that CCA may not sublease <br />the properties without the approval of <br />the Commission and that all lease terms <br />must carry forward in a sublease. The <br />leases provide for 30 -day termination <br />notice. The term of the leases is <br />September 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991, <br />renewable yearly. The leases for the <br />parking lots spell out how the money may <br />be used. A separate document with CCA <br />spe is out how the rent from the State <br />Theatre storefronts may be used. The <br />leases are substantially the same as <br />tho a we have had with CCA for these <br />pro erties in the past. <br />Upoil a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded <br />by Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission separately approved the leases <br />for C4 -3 and C4 -30, C9 -2, C8 -7 and C8 -9, <br />and the four storefronts in the State <br />The tre, all in the South Bend Central <br />Dev lopment Area. <br />Mrs. Ko ata reported that we are optimistic <br />that th demolition of the Transwestern <br />Buildin will resume the week of October 7, <br />1991. <br />The nex Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment <br />Commiss on is scheduled for October 11, 1991, <br />at 10:0 A.M. <br />-11- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE <br />COMMERCIAL LEASES WITH CENTER <br />CITY ASSOCIATES FOR PARCELS C4 -3 <br />AND C4 -30, C9 -2, C8 -7 AND C8 -9 <br />AND THE FOUR STOREFRONTS IN THE <br />STATE THEATER, ALL IN THE SOUTH <br />BEND CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />PROGRESS REPORTS <br />NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />