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South Bend <br />Regular Mee <br />6. NEW BUS <br />C. COT] <br />RN <br />e. <br />elopmezt Commission <br />- September 13, 1991 <br />(Cont.) <br />c tdes eted in 45 days. The proposal also <br />in a fee for project coordination <br />if ose services are needed. <br />Ms. Auburn asked if improvements were <br />necBssary in that area. She thought <br />Nils Avenue was complete. Mrs. Kolata <br />resmnded that the improvements on Niles <br />Ave-me have made a significant difference <br />to e appearance of the area and the <br />first impression is that it is complete. <br />H r, this small area near the <br />=tun retrains unfinished. <br />Ms.�Auburn declared a conflict of <br />int rest on this item. <br />a motion by Mr. Combs, seconded by COMISSION APPROVED THE PROPOSAL <br />Mr. Doncho and unanimously carried, the FROM KEN HERCEG AMID ASSOCIATES <br />Coninission, approved the proposal fran Ken FOR DESIGN OF NILES AVENUE FOR A <br />He eg and Associates for design of Niles COST OF $8,500 <br />Ave-me for a cost of $8,500. Ms. Auburn <br />did not vote. <br />Kolata stated that this proposal has <br />yet been received. She requested <br />it be tabled to the next meeting <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the staff has <br />wor,ced with Madison Center to obtain an <br />easament along the west side of their <br />property to continue the pedestrian <br />walway. This proposal is for the design <br />of t walkway. There are no funds <br />ideatified to construct the walkway at <br />this tithe, but we would like to have the <br />design ready when funds are identified. <br />-8- <br />M45u . � F' y4: Vb <br />