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South Bend <br />Regular Me <br />6. <br />elop ent Ccani.ssion <br />- February 22, 1991 <br />h. .continued... <br />i. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that we have received a <br />counter offer of $5,000 for Parcel 4 -49, <br />located at 1114 S. Franklin. The staff <br />recamiands accepting the offer. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded CCMNIISSION ACCEPTED ME COUNTER <br />by Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the OFFER OF $5,000 FOR PARCEL 4-49 <br />Commission accepted the counter offer of IN THE STUIDEBAIKER CORRIDOR <br />$5,O DO for parcel 4 -49 in the Studebaker DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />Corridor Developrkent Area. <br />Mrs. Kolata explained that Resolution <br />No. 83 sets the market price for a <br />mmbar of properties in the Studebaker <br />Corridor and authorizes the staff to send <br />purchase offers for the properties. It <br />also authorizes the purchase offers to be <br />made subject to condemnation if an <br />agrem7ent cannot be reached within a <br />c period of time. <br />Mr. Pocius noted that the properties are <br />24 piircels of vacant land, one single <br />fami y residence, seven multi- family <br />residences, and one tavern. <br />Mr. Piasecki asked if we have any <br />prob ems relocating a tavern. Yrs. <br />Kola responded that we have more <br />resp)nsibility in the relocation of <br />residents. When relocating a business, <br />it i up to the business to identify <br />wherB they want to relocate. A tavern <br />woull have to relocate where they comply <br />with controlled use and zoning <br />-9- <br />