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South Bend evelcpoment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - January 25, 1991 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />ro, <br />d. continued... <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that this have been a <br />to series of negotiations. The counter <br />off average $5,200 per property more <br />than the original purchase offer. We <br />f that it is justified because it will <br />keep us from having to go to condemnation <br />on each of these properties, it ccupletes <br />a mejor acquisition in Monroe Park <br />wittout resorting to condemnation, and, <br />since a number of these properties have <br />been or have became vacant during the <br />acqLisition process, we have saved the <br />cos of a number of relocations. <br />by l <br />Cone <br />Vic): <br />prod <br />the <br />There w <br />The next <br />Comniss: <br />at 10: 01 <br />9. ADJOURN! <br />a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded COMMISSION APPROVED THE COUNTER <br />1. Combs and unanimously carried, the OFFERS OF VIOLET BARRY FOR <br />ssion approved the counter offers of PROPERTY IN THE MONROE PARK <br />t Barry as listed above for PORTION OF THE SOUTH BEND CENTRAL <br />rties in the Monroe Park portion of DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />outh Bend Central Development Area. <br />no progress reports. <br />Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment <br />.n is scheduled for February 8, 1991 <br />a.m. <br />There being no further business to come <br />before the Commission, Mr. Piasecki made a <br />motion that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. <br />Combs seconded the motion and the meeting was <br />adjourned at 10:47 a.m. <br />4 '4- /U' &' j"�. <br />Paula <br />. Auburn, President <br />-10- <br />NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />C10ry,61:�� 101az 11 <br />Gt/ <br />Ann E. Kolata, Director <br />