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South Bend evelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - October 26, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSANESS (Cont.) <br />a. continueca... <br />add all of these properties in, it seems <br />more difficult to deal with these. I <br />thilik you are a little premature. I think <br />you should postpone the hearing and talk <br />to the individual people and if no one <br />has serious objections, put that in. <br />You should postpone and talk to these <br />people. Take 15 minutes on a scheduled <br />basis and then be in a more informed <br />pos tion as to whether to adopt the <br />resolution to add all these in. <br />Ms. Auburn stated that she was going to <br />close the public hearing portion of the <br />men ing unless there is someone else that <br />wou d like to be heard. Seeing no <br />ind cation I will close the public <br />hea. ing portion and open it up for <br />que4tions and discussion among the <br />Ms. Auburn stated that it might be <br />helpful to say that we have looked at the <br />Studebaker Corridor from the perspective <br />of is been accomplished in the Monroe <br />Park area. That was the acquisition and <br />assemblage of property, what were smaller <br />pieces of property into larger more <br />devedcpable pieces of property and that <br />the Monroe Park Area has been very <br />successful. We have no more land to <br />devc lop there and yet we still have <br />inqL.iries as to whether there are other <br />areas within the city where that kind of <br />lark. is available for development. There <br />is riot a lot of that kind of land within <br />the confines of the City of South Bend <br />for that kind of development. There is <br />prorerty outside the limits of South <br />and while it helps our geographic <br />am4 develop, it does not help put <br />a 'tional businesses on the tax rolls <br />-26- <br />