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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - October 12, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />c. conTinuea... <br />Mr. Hunt stated that the initial list of <br />properties, had several missing parcels. <br />The staff is recormnending that those <br />items be added and action be taken on the <br />substitute Resolution. This action will <br />not affect the public hearing process. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Combs seconded <br />by Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, <br />titute Resolution No. 962 amending <br />the Studebaker Corridor Development Plan <br />was filed and the Public Hearing was set <br />for October 26, 1990. <br />Ms. Hickey stated that she received <br />several quotes on cleaning and <br />maintenance machinery for the new parking <br />garage. The machinery included a scrubber <br />and sweeper to keep the garage clean. In <br />ad 'tion a tractor is needed for snow <br />renmal. <br />Ms. Hickey stated that Phil St. Clair <br />reviewed the proposals along with the <br />Engineering Department and gave us their <br />Mr. Hunt stated the Mr. St. Clair is <br />manager of Equipment Services and reviews <br />all vehicle equipment purchased by city <br />agexcies. Mr. Donoho indicated that he <br />was pleased to see that the equipment <br />purchase was from local vendors. <br />RESOLUTION NO. •. <br />AMENDING THE STUDEBAICER CORRIDOR <br />DEVELOPMENT PIAN MS FILED AND <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING n •- <br />OC70BER 26, 1990 <br />Upor a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, CESSION APPROVED THE PURCHASE <br />seconded by Mr. Donoho and unanimously OF THE INDUSTRIAL FLOOR SCRUBBER <br />carried, the Commission approved the FOR $7,635.00 FROM HULL LIFT <br />purchase of the Industrial Floor Scrubber TRUCK. <br />for $7,635.00 from Hull Lift Truck. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Donoho, <br />seconded by Mr. Combs and unanimously <br />carried, the Commission approved the <br />purchase of the Industrial Sweeper for <br />$9,676.00 from Tennant Company. <br />-4- <br />•• i • .... • �• 1 • •r <br />• - al • N • <br />