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South Bend evelcpment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - September 14, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSDTFSS (Cont.) <br />rtx�G_r•)0l0a416IZQ4 �! <br />IM <br />I w uld like to thank all of the folks <br />tha came and participated in the public <br />hearing and the purpose of it is to meet <br />and see what some of the issues are and <br />wha some of your concerns are and what <br />of the questions are. We really do <br />appreciate that because it takes time out <br />of our schedule to come during the <br />nornal work day like today. <br />Meeting was recessed at this point due to <br />a tornado warning. It recessed at 10:55. <br />The meeting reconvened at 11:15 a.m. <br />Mrs Kolata stated that the resolution <br />d s with the matter discussed at the <br />pub is hearing. It states that you intend <br />to ikake those lease rental payments as I <br />mentioned earlier in an amount not to <br />ex $900,000 per semi- annual <br />ins zl1ment and it authorizes the <br />off cers of the Commission to execute <br />cer.ain documents and to transmit to the <br />it a copy of this resolution and to <br />fil an ordinance with the Council. The <br />Cou it will need to hold a public <br />h ing on the appropriateness of the <br />lea 5e and we expect that to be at the <br />8 Council meeting. I expect <br />fir reading to be at the next <br />mee ing. Also, the officers are <br />aut iorized to file a petition for <br />app for the execution of the lease <br />wit the State Board of Tax <br />Com�issicners. Basically that's the <br />intOnt of the resolution. <br />Mr. I Piasecki asked if this leasing is <br />scobthim new? <br />-17- <br />