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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled I Regular Meeting - June 27, 1990 <br />2F <br />C. <br />e. <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr Cronk: My question is, if this is a <br />plinudng boundary, for taxation and <br />fimancing, then it should include those <br />irxhistrial areas north of new Cleveland. <br />. Kolata: That is part of the area <br />we are looking at and looking at an <br />aniexation plan for that. I think <br />gradually and eventually, it will grow <br />in o the city limits. but they are not <br />th a now. We will be coming back a <br />li tle bit later this year with some <br />elation recommendations. <br />Mr. Nimtz: There being no one else to <br />the chair concludes the Public <br />Hearing concerning the Airport Economic <br />Development Area for whatever action the <br />'ssion desires to take. <br />Ms Pfotenhauer noted that the Findings <br />of Fact should be adopted prior to the <br />adoption of Resolution No. 938. <br />Up)n a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded COMMISSION ADOPTED THE FINDINGS <br />by Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, OF FACT RELATIVE TO THE AIRPORT <br />the Commission adopted the Findings of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />Fact relative to the Airport Economic <br />Development Area. These Findings of <br />FaOt are attached to Resolution No. 938. <br />Up)n a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, <br />the Commission adopted Resolution <br />No 938 designating and declaring the <br />rt Economic Development Area, <br />a roving an Economic Development Plan <br />arxi establishing an allocation area for <br />purposes of tax increment financing. <br />-23- <br />COMMISSION ADO= RESOLUTION NO. <br />938 DESIGNATING AND DECLARING THE <br />AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />AREA, APPROVING AN ECONOMIC <br />DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ESTABLISHING <br />AN ALIOCATION AREA FOR PURPOSES <br />OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING <br />