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South Bend edevelopment Cmmission <br />Rescheduled I Regular Meeting - June 27, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSMESS (Cont.) <br />a. comtinuea... <br />. Kolata: And your address? <br />Mrs Shelton: 1116 S. Lafayette. <br />. Kolata: We'll check that. <br />. Lewis: You didn't get mine. I own <br />3 S. Lafayette and the lots on each <br />e. I am the representative for my <br />her who is an invalid, 1101 - 1103 S. <br />ayette, Mabel Harris. <br />. Kolata: Obviously, an offer has to <br />1 you what you're being sent an offer <br />Mr. Dailey: I still want to clarify, <br />frxin the past appraisal that was <br />posed to have been done, will that <br />still hold up, that appraisal at that <br />t' , or the new appraisal if it is <br />do e. You know how real estate goes up <br />and down? <br />Mrs. Kolata: We've asked for all of the <br />old appraisals be looked at by the <br />a raisers. Do they want to adjust any <br />of their values? We have gotten a <br />nse back from one, but have not <br />gotten a response back from the other. <br />Mr. Dailey: Wouldn't it be fair, <br />though, for the property owner to go out <br />to your property where the appraisal <br />so, therefore, if they come out <br />with a new one ... then, if you want to <br />co test it, or anything in that respect? <br />Kolata: It's your right to have <br />opportunity to meet with the <br />)raiser, but they generally only ask <br />'ormation and don't tell you the <br />)raisal value. <br />-17- <br />