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South Bend <br />Regular Mee <br />6. NEW BUS <br />f . cor. <br />UPC <br />Mr. <br />Con <br />Cit <br />InT <br />Dev <br />(Up <br />g. Con <br />7. <br />elopment Canmi.ssion <br />- May 25, 1990 <br />(Cont.) <br />a motion by Mr. Combs, seconded by <br />Piasecki and unanimously carried, the <br />Lission approved the Contract with the <br />of South Bend for Public <br />ovements in the South Bend Central <br />lopment Area - East Race II <br />9 -002). <br />Mrs Kolata noted that this Amended <br />Contract for Relocation Services is with <br />the Michiana Regional Airport and the <br />Airport Authority. <br />Ms. <br />W <br />a <br />Pfotenhauer explained that the <br />ract is, for practical purposes, the <br />as the Commission approved on <br />ary 18, 1990. The Department of <br />sportation asked that certain <br />erplate language be added to the <br />ract. One change is the addition of <br />ference to certain federal <br />lations. Another is the addition of <br />ragraph to include the Title VI <br />rances. Another is the addition of a <br />graph regarding the access to <br />rds. The terms and conditions of the <br />ract remain the same. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />'ssion approved the Amended Contract <br />for Relocation Services with the Michiana <br />Regional Airport. <br />Mrs. K <br />way on <br />which i <br />the Rig <br />The Rii <br />was gi, <br />soon. <br />i • • :� • •- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE AMENDED <br />CONTRACT FOR R19=TICN SERVICES <br />WITH THE NICETANA REGIONAL <br />AIRPORT <br />eta reported that work is well under PROGRESS REPORTS <br />e projects financed by the TIF bond <br />used in April. All projects, except <br />Riverside Walkway, are on schedule. <br />Riverside Walkway notice to proceed <br />recently and work should begin <br />-10- <br />