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1. GRANT. The City pledged and agreed that the CDFI will receive cash in an amount not <br />to exceed Two Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($210,000) (hereinafter sometimes referred to as <br />provided to the CDFI upon the CDFI's <br />execution of this Agreement and under the terms and conditions contained herein. <br />2. PURPOSE. The Grant shall be used by the CDFI in relation the Project, which aims to <br />provide loans to small businesses within the City affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the <br />resulting Stay at Home Orders, as further described in Schedule A attached hereto. <br /> a. Restrictions on Distribution of Grant Funds. The CDFI acknowledges that it is <br />familiar with the U.S. Executive Orders and laws that prohibit the provision of resources and <br />support to organizations and individuals and/or organizations associated with terrorism and <br />terrorist related lists promulgated by the U.S. Government, the United Nations, and the European <br />Union. The CDFI will take all precautions necessary to ensure that none of the Grant Funds will <br />be used (i) in support of or to promote violence, terrorist activity or related training, whether <br />directly through its own activities and programs, or indirectly through its support of, or cooperation <br />with, other persons and organizations known to support terrorism or that are involved in money <br />laundering activities or (ii) for purposes of or in connection with bribery or in contravention of the <br />U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, or other applicable anti-bribery law. In <br />addition, the CDFI confirms that no Grant Funds will be paid to, or on behalf of, U.S. Government <br />officials, except as permitted under Treasury Regulation 53.4941(d)-3(e). <br /> b. Modification of Project. The City may request that the CDFI modify the Project <br />during the term of the Grant, provided any such modifications are reasonable. <br /> c. Promotion of the Project. The CDFI shall work with the City and its consultant, <br />CDFI Friendly South Bend, Inc., to maximize promotional opportunities for the Project. <br />2. REPORTING. The CDFI shall provide quarterly in the manner <br />and containing the information set forth on Schedule B. <br />3. RECORDS. The CDFI shall make its books and records related to the Project and the <br />Grant available for inspection at reasonable times by the City or its assignee. The CDFI shall <br />maintain records related to the Project for at least four years after completion of the use of the <br />Grant Funds. <br />4. CDFI REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS . <br /> a. Project Conduct. The CDFI represents that conduct by the CDFI of the activities <br />described in Schedule A hereto in the manner described therein shall not cause the CDFI to be in <br />violation of any federal, state, local or municipal law, rule, regulation or ordinance. <br /> b. Authority. The person signing this Agreement on behalf of the CDFI represents <br />and certifies that she or he has full, express power and authority to do so. <br /> c. CDFI Compliance. With regard to activities related to the Project, the CDFI <br />represents, warrants and covenants to the City that (i) it has and shall maintain the proper licenses <br /> <br />