City of South Bend 12 February 14, 2020
<br />Scope of Services
<br />The scope of services provided by Crowe may include the following:
<br /> Prepare an analysis of the funds of the City of South Bend Redevelopment Authority Lease
<br />Rental Revenue Refunding Bonds of 2015 (Eddy Street Commons Project) (“Redevelopment
<br />2015 Refunding Bonds”) to determine if any of the funds are subject to arbitrage rebate or yield
<br />restriction. Calculate the arbitrage rebate or yield restriction payment owed as of February 1,
<br />2020, if any fund is subject to arbitrage rebate/yield restriction.
<br /> Calculate the arbitrage rebate or yield restriction payment owed as of February 1, 2020, for the
<br />City of South Bend Redevelopment Authority Lease Rental Revenue Bonds of 2015
<br />(“Redevelopment 2015 Bonds”).
<br /> Prepare an analysis of the funds of the City of South Bend Economic Development Income Tax
<br />Bonds of 2015 (“EDIT 2015 Bonds”) to determine the funds subject to arbitrage rebate or yield
<br />restriction. Calculate the arbitrage rebate or yield restriction payment owed as of August 4, 2020
<br />or other such date selected by the Client that is no later than August 4, 2020.
<br /> Prepare an analysis of the funds of the City of South Bend Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of
<br />2009 (“2009 Sewer Bonds”), the South Bend Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 2010 (“2010
<br />Sewer Bonds”), the South Bend Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 2011 (“2011 Sewer Bonds”),
<br />the South Bend Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 2012 (“2012 Sewer Bonds”), the South Bend
<br />Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 2013A (“2013 Sewer Bonds”), and the South Bend Sewage
<br />Works Refunding Revenue Bonds of 2015 (“2015 Sewer Bonds”) (collectively, the “Sewer
<br />Bonds:) to determine the funds subject to arbitrage rebate or yield restriction. Calculate the
<br />arbitrage rebate or yield restriction payment owed
<br />o as of January 31, 2019, for the 2009 Sewer Bonds,
<br />o amount of rebate accrued as of January 31, 2020, for the ten-year anniversary date that
<br />is to be no later than December 21, 2020, (the bond year date is to be selected by the
<br />Client), for the 2010 Sewer Bonds,
<br />o as of October 25, 2016 (or other such date selected by the Client that is no later than
<br />October 25, 2016), for the 2011 Sewer Bonds,
<br />o as of December 13, 2017 (or other such date selected by the Client that is no later than
<br />December 13, 2017), for the 2012 Sewer Bonds,
<br />o as of April 25, 2018 (or other such date selected by the Client that is no later than
<br />April 25, 2018), for the 2013 Sewer Bonds, and
<br />o amount of rebate accrued as of January 31, 2020 for the first five-year anniversary date
<br />that is no later than December 8, 2020, (the bond year date is to be selected by the
<br />Client) for the 2015 Sewer Bonds.
<br /> Prepare an analysis of the funds of the City of South Bend Waterworks Revenue Bonds of 2009,
<br />Series A (“2009A Water Bonds”), the South Bend Waterworks Revenue Bonds of 2009, Series B
<br />(“2009B Water Bonds”), the South Bend Waterworks Revenue Bonds of 2012 (“2012 Water
<br />Bonds”), the South Bend Waterworks Refunding Revenue Bonds of 2012, Series B (“2012B
<br />Water Bonds”), and the South Bend Waterworks Refunding Revenue Bonds of 2016 (“2016
<br />Water Bonds”) (collectively, the “Water Bonds:) to determine the funds subject to arbitrage rebate
<br />or yield restriction. Calculate the arbitrage rebate or yield restriction payment owed
<br />o as of January 31, 2019, for the 2009A Water Bonds,
<br />o as of November 5, 2019, for the 2009B Water Bonds,
<br />o as of June 21, 2017 (or other such date selected by the Client that is no later than June
<br />21, 2017), for the 2012 Water Bonds,
<br />o as of November 29, 2017 (or other such date selected by the Client that is no later than
<br />November 29, 2017), for the 2012B Water Bonds, and
<br />o amount of rebate accrued as of January 31, 2020, for the five-year anniversary date that
<br />is to be no later than December 27, 2021, (the bond year date is to be selected by the
<br />Client), for the 2016 Water Bonds,
<br />
<br />