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South BE <br />Reschedi <br />6. NEW <br />W <br />0 <br />C. <br />end <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />zled <br />Regular Meeting - June 17, 1988 <br />BUSINESS <br />(Cont.) <br />Continued... <br />of <br />a Lease between the South Bend <br />Redevelopment <br />Authority and the South <br />Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission for the St <br />Joseph/Wayne <br />Parking Facility and <br />regarding <br />other related matters. <br />Adoption <br />of Resolution No. 847, a <br />resolution <br />of the South Bend <br />velo meet Commission establishing <br />Red <br />cer <br />in funds and accounts in connection <br />witi <br />the Lease dated as of June 1, 1988, <br />bet <br />een the South Bend Redevelopment <br />Comnission <br />and the South Bend <br />Authority related to the <br />Redevelopment <br />St. <br />Joseph/Wayne Parking Facility, and <br />other <br />related matters. <br />Kolata noted that Resolution No. 84 <br />Mrs <br />states <br />that the Redevelopment Authority <br />intends <br />to issue bonds in the amount of <br />$4,1375,000 <br />to finance the construction o <br />the <br />garage. It is necessary for the <br />Coranission <br />to establish certain funds any <br />accounts, <br />such as the Parking Facility <br />Maintenance <br />Account, the Parking Facility <br />Net <br />Revenue Account and the Redevelopmen <br />District <br />Bond Fund which consists of the <br />garage <br />principal and interest accounts. <br />Upon <br />a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by <br />Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, th <br />Comnission <br />adopted Resolution No. 847 <br />establishing <br />certain funds and accounts <br />in <br />connection with the Lease dated as of <br />June <br />1, 1988, between the South Bend <br />Redevelopment <br />Commission and the South <br />Bend <br />Redevelopment Authority related to <br />the <br />St. Joseph/Wayne Parking Facility, <br />and <br />other related matters <br />Coianission <br />authorization requested to <br />send <br />Notice of Termination of Lease to <br />South <br />Bend Parking Co y, Inc. for <br />property <br />located at St. Joseph & Wayne <br />Streets. <br />-4- <br />I <br />MENT AUTHORITY AND THE SOUTH BEND <br />REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FOR THE <br />ST. JOSEPH/WAYNE PARKING FACILITY <br />COMMISSION ADOPTED RESOLUQTION NO.847 <br />ESTABLISHING CERTAIN FUNDS AND <br />ACCOUNTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE <br />ST.;JOSEPH/WAYNE PARKING FACILITY <br />LEASE <br />