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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Special Meeting - December 16, 1987 <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />There wdre no communications. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />There was no old business. <br />6. New <br />a. <br />Revenue <br />THERE WERE NO COMMUNICATIONS <br />sed PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING PROPOSED <br />City of APPROPRIATION OF PROCEEDS OF THE <br />ct Tax CITY OF SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT <br />DISTRICT TAX INCREMENT REVENUE <br />BONDS OF 1988 <br />Mr. Nimtz opened the Public Hearing. <br />Mrs. Kolata entered the following items <br />intc the record: <br />1. An Affidavit of Carol Smith, <br />Classified Manager of the South Bend <br />Tribune, that the Notice of Public <br />Baring Concerning Appropriation of <br />Proceeds of the City of South Bend <br />Redevelopment District Tax Increment <br />Revenue Bonds of 1988 was published <br />in the South Bend Tribune on <br />November 13, 1987. <br />2. roof of Publication from David <br />ollar, editor of the Tri- County <br />ews, that the Notice of Public <br />earing Concerning Appropriation of <br />roceeds of the City of South Bend <br />edevelopment District Tax Increment <br />evenue Bonds of 1988 was published <br />'n the Tri - County News on November <br />3, 1987. <br />3. affidavit of Carol Smith, <br />lassified Manager of the South Bend <br />ribune, that the Notice of Public <br />Baring Concerning Appropriation of <br />Proceeds of the City of South Bend <br />edevelopment District Tax Increment <br />evenue Bonds of 1988 was published <br />�cen-ber the South Bend Tribune on <br />4, 1987. <br />